3959 results found
Health topics
… Emotional and social growth during the first year of life can be both fascinating and exciting. As babies bond with … form a powerful bond with their parents and other significant people in their lives. As this bond strengthens, babies … Emotional and social growth during the first year of life can be both fascinating and exciting. As babies bond with …
Health topics
… peer group pressure. When they face tough choices, they can call on values learned at home. … peer group pressure. When they face tough choices, they can call on values learned at home. …
Health topics
… cardiologist , who does angioplasty procedures. They can help you understand your treatment options and help you … anesthesiologist will give and monitor your anesthesia, medicines, and vital signs during the surgery. Nursing team: … blood oxygen levels with adjustments to the anesthesia and medicines you are receiving. This team will keep you …
Health topics
… replace cuddling, comforting or breastfeeding. Soother use can contribute to ear infections. If your toddler … limit the use of a soother. Sucking a soother or thumb can also affect the development of teeth. Try to get your … are happening Start by limiting where and when your toddler can have the soother, slowly reducing to one place at one …
Health topics
… running and chasing and playground games. Active free play can also be more affordable and easier to fit into busy … of primary school. Playing organized sports and activities can be good for children in lots of ways. For example, it … family lifestyle includes limits on daily screen time, because children are generally physically inactive during …
Health topics
… drugs, illicit opioids are often available too. You can help your children make healthy choices by openly … opioids, how they affect the body, and why people use them, can help in having a meaningful conversation with your adult … to self-medicate various kinds of pain. Others use them because they trigger the reward/pleasure pathway in the brain …
Health topics
… Morning sickness has usually improved by this time, and you can still move around easily. The risk of miscarriage or … Pregnancy Travel Health Citations American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2018). Air … W. David Colby IV MSc, MD, FRCPC - Infectious Disease American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2018). Air …
Health topics
… will hold nearby veins so they don't bulge into the anal canal. The procedure is done in a doctor's office. You will … to numb them. The procedure takes about 30 minutes. You can go home when it's done. Some people are able to return … treatments, surgery may be considered. Rubber band ligation cannot be used if there is not enough tissue to pull into …
Health topics
… not ill at the time of surgery. Why It Is Done This surgery can be done for most patients who have ulcerative colitis. … not work normally. For some people who have colon or rectal cancer. Learn more Ulcerative Colitis: Should I Have … not ill at the time of surgery. Why It Is Done This surgery can be done for most patients who have ulcerative colitis. …
Health topics
… serious health problems. TUIP involves less blood loss and can be done more quickly than TURP. Want to avoid the risk … serious health problems. TUIP involves less blood loss and can be done more quickly than TURP. Want to avoid the risk …