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Health topics
… help you eat less and feel full sooner. This procedure can be done in two ways: By making several small cuts and … before they are ready to get back to their usual routine. Because the surgery makes your stomach smaller, you will get … too quickly and lead to dumping syndrome. This can cause diarrhea and make you feel faint, shaky, and nauseated. It …
Health topics
… will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Advance Care Planning: … though treatment focuses on helping you live longer, it may cause side effects that can greatly affect your quality of … to help keep you alive. Some treatments include the use of: Medicines to slow the progress of certain diseases, such as …
Health topics
… to counteract the effects of the poison (antivenom) can save a limb or your life. It's important to stay calm. … aren't poisonous. Bites may be scary, but most don't cause serious health problems. A bite from a small … closer attention to certain symptoms and seek care sooner. Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood …
Health topics
… What is bird flu? Bird flu is an infection caused by a certain kind of avian influenza virus. Although … wild birds don't get sick from the virus. But wild birds can easily pass the virus to birds that are being raised for … the virus is doing to your body. In some cases, antiviral medicines may help you feel better. But experts are …
Health topics
… protect your body from infection by killing bacteria. What causes it? Neutropenia is often caused by cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation. These … a sore throat or mouth sores, vaginal drainage or itching, diarrhea, pain when you urinate, and a need to urinate …
Health topics
… fissure is a tear in the lining of the lower rectum (anal canal) that causes pain during bowel movements. Anal fissures don't lead … your medicine. You will get more details on the specific medicines your doctor prescribes. Sit in 8 to 10 centimetres …
Health topics
… About This Medicine Make sure you know about each of the medicines you take. This includes why you take it, how to take it, what you can expect while you're taking it, and any warnings about … General information about side effects All medicines can cause side effects. Many people don't have side effects. And …
Health topics
… Breast Cancer: What Should I Do if I'm at High Risk? Decision Point … your choices are: Get extra checkups and testing. Take medicines. Have surgery to remove both breasts. Have surgery … risk for breast cancer. But some women have a high risk because they have what is called a family history of breast …
Health topics
… This damages the inside of your small intestine so that it can't do a good job of absorbing nutrients from your food. … If it isn't treated, your child can get very sick. What causes it? Doctors think celiac disease may be a problem … amount of gluten can cause symptoms such as weight loss and diarrhea. A gluten-free diet means: Avoiding all foods with …
Health topics
… have never had asthma before. During an asthma attack, it can make it harder to breathe, and the baby may get less … blood pressure during the pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia . This causes high blood pressure. It can affect the placenta , … (such as tobacco smoke or dust mites). Corticosteroid medicines that are sprayed in the nose are safe to use …