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Health topics
… do not need a vitamin D supplement. At about 6 months, you can slowly start to introduce solid foods along with breast … Try soft vegetables or fruits. Introduce foods that may cause an allergic reaction, but do it carefully. Common food … a few minutes. A reaction could be a skin rash, vomiting, diarrhea, or swelling of the lips or face. Offer a variety …
Health topics
… lymphoma (NHL)? Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) is a type of cancer that begins in the lymph system in white blood cells … may allow them to live longer than without treatment. What causes it? The cause of NHL is not known. The abnormal cell … AIDS. It also occurs among those who take immunosuppressant medicines, such as medicines following an organ transplant. …
Health topics
… Endometrial (Uterine) Cancer On this page: Health Tools What … stage, before it has spread outside the uterus. What causes it? The most common cause of endometrial cancer is … may also be used to control symptoms and increase comfort. Medicines Medicines may be used to control the growth of …
Health topics
… withdrawal? Antidepressant withdrawal is a problem that can happen if you stop taking or reduce the dosage of your antidepressant too quickly or if you miss doses. It can make you feel sick. This problem is sometimes called … Feel very tired. Have muscle aches. Have a headache. Have diarrhea. You may also: Have trouble sleeping. Feel sick to …
Health topics
… difficile (also called C. diff) are bacteria that can cause swelling and irritation of the large intestine, or … are released, the colon becomes inflamed. People who take medicines that reduce stomach acid, such as Nexium, …
Health topics
… Prostate Cancer, Advanced or Metastatic On this page: Condition … body—often the bones—it is still called prostate cancer because it started in the prostate. What are the symptoms? … This is called radical prostatectomy. Chemotherapy. These medicines kill fast-growing cells, including cancer cells …
Health topics
… Ovarian Cancer On this page: Health Tools What … organs, even people who don't identify as female. What causes it? Experts don't know exactly what causes ovarian … fallopian tube. This is called fertility-sparing surgery. Medicines Medicines used to treat ovarian cancer include: …
Health topics
… Pancreatic Cancer On this page: Health Tools What … you feel better, and it helps some people live longer. What causes it? Experts don't know what causes pancreatic cancer. … from the pancreas to other parts of the body. You may need medicines to control pain, help you digest food, and manage …
Health topics
… of an illness that will go away on its own. A rash may be caused by contact with a substance outside the body, such as … by a well-meaning parent dressing a baby too warmly. But it can happen to any baby in very hot weather. Cold sores . … like a severe burn. TEN may occur after the use of some medicines. To know how serious the rash is, other symptoms …
Health topics
… into your stomach and is used to give food, liquids, and medicines. Depending on why you need a feeding tube, you may … feeding tube takes time. The first step is learning all you can about how the tube works and how to avoid problems. … mix your medicine with the tube-feeding formula. This can cause a clog in the feeding tube. Don't put more than one …