3960 results found
Health topics
… America, and Europe in late 2002 and early 2003. SARS is caused by a type of coronavirus, which can cause mild to moderate upper respiratory illness, such … isolation to prevent passing the disease to others. Various medicines—including corticosteroids and the antiviral …
Health topics
… Breast Cancer On this page: Health Tools What … ducts of the breast. Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) . Because LCIS cells don't spread, it's not considered to be … talk to your doctor about stop-smoking programs and medicines. These can increase your chances of quitting for …
Health topics
… will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Bronchitis: Should I … instead. Key points to remember Bronchitis is usually caused by a virus and often follows a cold or flu. … usual while you have acute bronchitis. Try over-the counter medicines such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or aspirin to …
Health topics
… the lining around the brain and spinal cord. It's usually caused by an infection. The infection occurs most often in … usually doesn't cause serious illness. In severe cases, it can cause prolonged fever and seizures. Bacterial … Meningitis can also be caused by other organisms and some medicines, but this is rare. Most forms of meningitis are …
Health topics
… problems are known as long-term effects of COVID-19. This can happen even if the person had mild or no symptoms. … Depression or anxiety. Muscle or joint pain. A headache. Diarrhea or belly pain. A fever that comes and goes. A fast … such as physiotherapy, depending on your symptoms. How can you care for yourself when you have long-term effects of …
Health topics
… may be added to fake pills made to look like prescription medicines. Fentanyl is up to 50 times stronger than heroin … stronger than morphine. This means that even a small amount can lead to an overdose, which could be deadly. Illegal … kit and that they know how to use it. Be careful about the medicines you take. Only take medicines that were prescribed …
Health topics
… consider the long-term implications of this commitment, because so many people with heart failure will progress to an … in managing day-to-day tasks. Some of the ways in which you can help are listed below. Shopping for and preparing food. … too. Drugs. Most people with heart failure require multiple medicines to control their symptoms. Many of these drugs …
Health topics
… will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Ear Problems: Should My … antihistamines, and other over-the-counter cold medicines usually don't help treat or prevent fluid in the … rare cases, fluid buildup that lasts 3 months or more may cause hearing problems. But hearing usually returns to …
Health topics
… case of heartburn, you know how painful digestive problems can be. But the digestive system is made up of more than … and Colic Abdominal Pain and Other Illness Abdominal Pain Causes Abdominal Pain Following an Injury Abdominal Pain, … and Younger Abdominal Pain, Age 12 and Older Acid-Reducing Medicines Adjustable Gastric Banding Surgery Anal Cancer …
Health topics
… a condition. By being a partner with your doctor, you can help choose the option that best fits your values, … and help you remember what your doctor says. Bring your medicines to your appointment. If you take prescription or over-the-counter medicines, including natural health products, bring all of …