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3959 results found
Health topics
… a joyful and exciting time, but body and hormonal changes can create feelings of stress for moms-to-be. The people around you can forget that these sudden changes may leave you feeling … concentrating or remembering Gas, constipation or diarrhea Irritability Being easily startled Resources & …
Health topics
… Doctor Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care Medicines Counselling-Based Treatment … manic depression. It is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood changes. Moods go from times of very … to function. There is no cure for bipolar disorder. But it can be helped with medicines. Counselling may also help. It …
Health topics
… if they don't get enough sleep. Children's sleep problems can cause stress for parents, who may worry about their … what your child watches on TV. Have your child take medicines exactly as prescribed. Call your doctor if your …
Health topics
… its own set of possible problems. Careful aftercare at home can help speed healing of the wound and prevent problems. At … Infection of the site. Infection of the lips or tongue may cause speech, chewing, or swallowing problems or swelling … closer attention to certain symptoms and seek care sooner. Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood …
Health topics
… from the intestinal tract into the bloodstream. What causes it? Causes of malabsorption syndrome may include: … Gas, bloating, and vague abdominal discomfort. Frequent diarrhea and foul-smelling stools. Weakness. Weight loss. Your doctor can evaluate your symptoms to determine the cause and …
Health topics
… With heart failure, having too much fluid in your body can lower sodium levels in the blood. It can also cause symptoms such as swelling. Limiting fluids, if your …
Health topics
… and level of exercise is safe for you. Regular activity can help keep your heart and body healthy. The type and … exercise that's is safe for you will vary depending on the cause of your abnormal heart rhythm and whether you have … limit your activity because of the other heart disease. How can you safely start an exercise program? Making a plan with …
Health topics
… acid. The safety of any prescription and over-the-counter medicines and natural health products you take. Your … early pregnancy. High blood sugar while you are pregnant can cause problems. For example, it can cause your baby to be …
Health topics
… of breath, tiredness, nausea, and back or jaw pain. Other causes of chest discomfort or pain Most people fear that … or pain, especially in people who are younger than age 40, can have many causes. Angina (say "ANN-juh-nuh" or … drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin and ibuprofen. These medicines can cause bleeding and can make it harder to …
Health topics
… Down Syndrome On this page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to … While you are pregnant, an ultrasound and a blood test can show if your baby may be at risk for Down syndrome. … dental problems, or behaviour issues. Your child may need: Medicines. This may include antibiotics for ear infections …