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Health topics
… kill good bacteria along with the bad bacteria that cause illness. A decrease in good bacteria may lead to … They are studying probiotics for possible benefits in colon cancer, skin infections, and irritable bowel syndrome . How … Complementary Medicine Natural Health Products (Herbal Medicines and Natural Products) Current as of: March …
Health topics
… Childhood isn't all fun and games. Even young children can feel worried and stressed. Stress can come from outside, such as family, friends, and school. … For example, help them see that their behaviour did not cause a divorce, or that they are not failures because they …
Health topics
… problem with your mouth from time to time. A mouth problem can involve your gums, lips, tongue, or inner cheeks, the … around the outside of the mouth. Infections. These can be caused by a virus (such as herpes simplex ) or by bacteria … syndrome , and HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) . Many medicines also can cause mouth problems. Check Your Symptoms …
Health topics
… Hormone Treatment for Breast Cancer On this page: Overview Overview … inside to feed the cancer cells. Types of hormone treatment Medicines used for hormone treatment include: Selective … and endometrial cancer. Aromatase inhibitors. These can cause headaches, nausea, diarrhea, aching joints, and hot …
Health topics
… a different eating plan. There are certain foods you can have, and other foods you should avoid, to reduce the … new kidney stones. Drink plenty of water. The most common cause of kidney stones is not drinking enough fluids, especially water. How can you prevent kidney stones? The following tips may lower …
Health topics
… Actionset Overview Getting around your home safely can be a challenge if you have injuries or health problems … or dementia also have to be careful not to fall. You can make your home safer with a few simple measures. How can … where you can reach them. Bending down or reaching up can cause falls. If you have to reach, use a reaching device …
Health topics
… and Language Development On this page: Overview What You Can Expect Common Concerns Routine Checkups When to Call a … it hard to understand or explain ideas. Hearing problems can cause speech and language delays in children. All children …
Health topics
… Overview Walking on a beach or swimming in the ocean can be fun and relaxing. But just like with any other … sea anemones. They can be found all over the world. They cause injury and illness through the release of venom when … closer attention to certain symptoms and seek care sooner. Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood …
Health topics
… from another child's. Mild increases to 38°C (100.4°F) can be caused by exercising, wearing too many clothes, taking a hot … closer attention to certain symptoms and seek care sooner. Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood …
Health topics
… If so, that's normal. Most people quit many times. What can you do to make it more likely that you'll kick the habit … Your family, friends, co-workers, and community groups all can help you. The following information also applies if you … that you're trying to quit. Don't hide your attempt because you're afraid people will see you fail. Most people …