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3959 results found
Health topics
… cells and rebuild your energy. Lack of sleep over time can cause sleep deprivation, or sleep debt. This affects your … sometimes. Whatever the cause, there are things you can do to sleep better. Improve your sleeping area. Your …
Health topics
… angina symptoms such as chest pain or pressure. Angioplasty can also be done during or after a heart attack. As a … blood to the heart muscle. Coronary artery disease can cause plaque to build up inside the walls of the coronary … If you get a drug-eluting stent, you may take both of these medicines for at least 6 months. If you get a bare-metal …
Health topics
… disorder means that a person uses opioids even though it causes harm to themself or others. It can range from mild to severe. The more signs of it you … use disorder. How is it treated? Treatment usually includes medicines, group therapy, one or more types of counselling, …
Health topics
… scarring helps keep this area from moving so that a seal can form between the retina and the layer beneath it. In … in supporting a tear, hole, or break in the retina that has caused the detachment. It is rarely helpful on its own when … retina, called proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR), that can cause the retina to detach again. PVR usually requires …
Health topics
… of the brain and spinal cord by the syphilis bacteria. This can lead to destruction in many areas of the nervous system … loss of vision, and altered mental abilities. Neurosyphilis can affect many different body systems and may develop over … changes. Memory loss. In some cases, neurosyphilis doesn't cause symptoms. How is neurosyphilis treated? Antibiotic …
Health topics
… on the coloured part of the eye (iris). Fever with no other cause. Blurred or decreased vision. Your eyes may often … other symptoms need to be evaluated by a doctor. Infection can develop in the eye from irritation, such as getting a small amount of a chemical in the eye. Infection can also occur after a minor eye injury or a small scratch …
Health topics
… Information Overview Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be a challenge for you and your family. Your family may find it hard to accept some of the changes PTSD can bring to your life. By talking and supporting one … triggers. Triggers can bring up stressful feelings or cause you to have flashbacks, which means you feel like …
Health topics
… such as aspirin and ibuprofen, but it is less likely to cause stomach upset and other side effects. Be sure to … products for infants and children. Acetaminophen can be found in many forms and comes in different doses. Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label. Do …
Health topics
… heart failure occurs when the normally functioning heart cannot keep up with an unusually high demand for blood to … the body. The heart may be working well otherwise, but it cannot pump out enough blood to keep up with this extra need. What causes it? There are a variety of conditions that can
Health topics
… Chemical pink eye (conjunctivitis) or toxic pink eye is caused by getting smoke, liquids, fumes, or chemicals in the … to remove the toxic chemical or liquid. Mild pink eye can be caused by the chlorine in swimming pools. Most people … to remove the toxic chemical or liquid. Mild pink eye can be caused by the chlorine in swimming pools. Most people …