3959 results found
Health topics
… on the face or body. Do not use ice or ice water, which can cause tissue damage. Take off any jewellery, rings, or … with your hands or anything dirty, because open blisters can easily be infected. Do not break the blisters. Gently …
Health topics
… day and night for about 1 to 3 weeks after the surgery. You cannot lie on your back. If you do, the bubble will move to … until your eye has healed. A change in altitude could cause the gas bubble to expand. This would increase the … is done for certain types of retinal detachments. It can be useful when: A single break or tear caused the …
Health topics
… Testicular Cancer On this page: Health Tools What … tests. An ultrasound may be used to rule out other possible causes of a testicle problem. Blood or imaging tests may … you may have more treatment, such as: Chemotherapy. These medicines kill fast-growing cells, including cancer cells …
Health topics
… for a few people who have severe lung problems that are caused by cystic fibrosis (CF) . The procedure removes the … after the transplant. You'll need to take antibiotics and medicines to suppress your immune system. This will raise … greater than the benefits. How Well It Works Several tests can help your doctor and you see how well a lung transplant …
Health topics
… tell that person? Dr. Keller: This really depends on the cause. If it appears the pain is because of a strain or … it will resolve pretty much on its own. How long it takes can vary. If it is a discomfort rather than pain, it may … this acute low back pain. That week, or those 3 to 6 weeks, can still be pretty painful. Is there anything that can be …
Health topics
… urine flows (urethra), and improve how well the bladder can force urine out. Risks Researchers have not evaluated … products, keep in mind the following: Like conventional medicines, natural health products may cause side effects, trigger allergic reactions, or interact …
Health topics
… of the mouth and gums when you are pregnant. This may cause bleeding in your gums, especially when you brush your … digestive problems like reflux, stomach acid in your mouth can weaken your teeth. This may make them feel more … can take over-the-counter medicine for reflux. Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label. Do …
Health topics
… does not appear likely. In healthy adults, hernias that can be pushed back into the abdomen and are not causing discomfort or pain can be repaired when it is convenient. In some cases small, … the abdomen (ascites) that increases abdominal pressure and causes the hernia to recur after it is repaired. Some …
Health topics
… Overview High blood sugar from diabetes can affect the body's immune system , impairing the ability … stay in the infected area, and kill microorganisms. Because of the buildup of plaque in blood vessels associated … and heal wounds. People with high blood sugar from diabetes can be more severely affected by common infections, such as …
Health topics
… stop breathing for 10 seconds or longer during sleep. It can be mild, moderate, or severe, based on the number of … such as watching television or reading. These symptoms may cause only minor problems at work or while spending time … stop breathing for 10 seconds or longer during sleep. It can be mild, moderate, or severe, based on the number of …