3959 results found
Health topics
… for a fertilized egg to attach to the uterus. Progestin can sometimes stop the ovaries from releasing an egg each … to tell your doctor about any health problems you have or medicines you take. The doctor can help you choose the birth … if you don't want to take estrogen or can't take estrogen because you have certain health problems or concerns. It may …
Health topics
… health threats to individuals and communities. They can affect air quality, cause shortages of safe water and food, and cut off your access to electricity, gas, telephone, medicines, and other services. Family members may be …
Health topics
… Celiac disease seems to run in families. Celiac disease causes damage to the small intestine. This makes it hard for the body to absorb vitamins and other nutrients. You cannot prevent celiac disease. But you can stop and reverse the damage to the small intestine by …
Health topics
… doctors are comfortable with the careful use of certain medicines to start labour. In the rare event that a uterine scar ruptures, it can be dangerous to both the mother and her infant. … is not repairable, the uterus is removed ( hysterectomy ). Cause severe maternal bleeding and a decrease in oxygen to …
Health topics
… long time, they usually last less than 3 minutes. A seizure can be scary to watch, especially if you've never seen one … control, movement, speech, vision, or awareness. It may cause a person's entire body to shake for a few seconds to a few minutes, and they may lose consciousness. Seizures can be mild to severe, and they affect people differently. …
Health topics
… uterus during pregnancy. Having a low amount of this fluid can affect how the baby grows. It may lead to problems … The fluid helps your baby move around in the uterus. What causes it? In many cases, the cause of low amniotic fluid … with nutrients and oxygen through the umbilical cord. Some medicines. A problem with the baby's kidneys or urinary …
Health topics
… functions such as sleeping and waking. Your body clock can be affected by light or darkness. They can make the body … it needs. Things that may affect your body clock and can cause sleep problems include: Jet lag. Crossing time zones … injury, recovering from a coma, and severe depression. Some medicines that affect the central nervous system may also …
Health topics
… may precede more serious infections or foot ulcers if the cause (poorly fitted shoes, excessive weight-bearing, or dry … foot. Cushioned shoes, orthotic inserts, support with a cane or crutches, and—in extreme cases—a wheelchair and … have to be removed (amputated). Bone and joint deformities can develop on the feet, such as toe joint deformities …
Health topics
… your bone marrow start to work as it should. The transplant can use stem cells that come from your own blood or bone … 4 people need to be readmitted within the first 3 months because of problems from the surgery. After you are discharged … someone else's stem cells, you will need treatment with medicines to prevent your immune system from attacking the …
Health topics
… in 1 cup (250 mL) of brewed coffee. A single energy drink can have as much as 180 mg of caffeine per serving. Caffeine … in adults and fights tiredness. But too much caffeine can make you feel nervous or grouchy. And it can cause an upset stomach, diarrhea, and headaches. Alcohol …