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Health topics
… Cervical Cancer Screening On this page: Overview … part of the uterus that opens into the vagina. Cervical cancer screening tests check the cells on the cervix for … looks for the HPV virus. Some high-risk types of HPV can cause cell changes that could lead to cervical cancer. This …
Health topics
… your heart beating normally. The signals are painless. It can help stop the dizziness, fainting, and shortness of breath caused by a slow or unsteady heartbeat. A pacemaker is … The leads pass through a vein into your heart. A pacemaker can help restore a normal heart rate. It is used when …
Health topics
… Overview A rubber (aspirating) bulb can be used to remove mucus from a baby's nose or mouth when … well and squeeze to remove any water. Suctioning too often can make the congestion worse and can also cause the lining of the nose to swell or bleed. Related …
Health topics
… light hand weights that are less than 1 kg (2 lb) . Weights can be increased gradually. A rowing machine (ergometer) can simultaneously stretch and strengthen the muscle around … before using a rowing ergometer. Improper form can cause back or neck strain. Elbow …
Health topics
… learning more about your fertility and staying healthy can improve your chances. Healthy eating, keeping active and avoiding certain substances can improve fertility for both males and females. … treatment, you may have several tests to help identify the cause of infertility. Antisperm antibody test Fertility …
Health topics
… some stress is normal and even needed, too much of it can affect your quality of life and your health. There are simple things you can do to help relieve stress. Tips to relieve stress When … can make you feel more anxious. Don't drink alcohol. It can cause sleep problems and depression . Muscle relaxation to …
Health topics
… trimester (gestational hypertension). High blood pressure can limit the baby's growth and cause other serious problems. Sometimes it's a first sign of … pressure rises to higher levels. Some common blood pressure medicines aren't safe during pregnancy. If you take blood …
Health topics
… result from the procedure. When the urine is free of significant bleeding or blood clots, the catheter can be removed … such as frequent urination will continue for a while because of irritation and inflammation caused by the surgery. … (BPH) have not improved in response to home treatment and medicines. How Well It Works For men who have moderate to …
Health topics
… when urea and other waste products build up in the body because the kidneys are unable to eliminate them. These substances can become poisonous (toxic) to the body if they reach high … levels. Uremic syndrome may affect any part of the body and can cause: Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and weight …
Health topics
… and is passed to the baby through the placenta . A baby can be infected with syphilis any time during pregnancy or … usually won't get infected. If syphilis isn't treated, it can lead to miscarriage. Or the baby may be born early or be … These may include: Inflammation of the cornea . This may cause blindness. A problem that involves the brain. (This is …