3959 results found
Health topics
… Overview Loss of bladder and bowel control (incontinence) can sometimes result from Alzheimer's disease and other … signs ("Bathroom," "Toilet"). Use pictures when the person can no longer understand words. Remove or cover objects the … stays clean and dry. Remember that a person with dementia cannot control this problem. In some cases, he or she may be …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Ice and cold packs can reduce the pain, swelling, and bleeding of an injury. … layer of cloth, such as a towel or face cloth. The ice can be cracked into small pieces to make the pack more … cooling packs. If the pack leaks, the chemicals could cause more eye damage. Do not use a raw piece of meat on a …
Health topics
… a fertilized egg to attach to the uterus. The hormones also can stop the ovaries from releasing an egg each month … to tell your doctor about any health problems you have or medicines you take. Your doctor can help you choose the … STI, use a condom to help protect against disease. They may cause changes in your period. You may have little bleeding, …
Health topics
… tell if you have antibodies to a specific organism that can cause pneumonia or if you have a specific virus, such as … (flu) or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) . Doctors can use blood cultures to test for bacteria in your …
Health topics
… Second-trimester tests During your second trimester, you can expect to have: A glucose tolerance test (GTT) to check … women be screened for depression. Untreated depression can cause problems during pregnancy and after birth. Testing …
Health topics
… sore nipples develop when the baby begins to suck harder because he or she is not getting milk quickly. This often is … little milk from your breasts right before a feeding. This can help with the let-down reflex and soften nipples so that the baby can easily and gently latch on. Change your baby's position …
Health topics
… occurs when inflammation, bone spurs, or fluid buildup causes a rotator cuff tendon to be squeezed and rub against … Activities that require repeated overhead arm movements can result in painful inflammation of the bursa (bursitis) … tears may develop. Then, the tendons in the rotator cuff can no longer balance the upward pull of the shoulder muscle …
Health topics
… on the location and number of warts removed. Most people can return to normal activities within 1 to 3 days after … Bleeding is the most common side effect. But typically LEEP causes less blood loss than laser treatment. Scarring of the penis is a possible side effect that can result in problems with urination or erection. Infection …
Health topics
… Overview Chili pepper burns are caused by an irritating substance found in the skin of the pepper. This burn can feel like a sunburn, a throbbing and prickling feeling, … substance found in the skin of the pepper. This burn can feel like a sunburn, a throbbing and prickling feeling, …
Health topics
… it is needed if his or her judgment is changed by alcohol. Can cause blood vessels in the skin to get bigger (dilate). This … it is needed if his or her judgment is changed by alcohol. Can cause blood vessels in the skin to get bigger (dilate). …