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Health topics
… will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Arthritis: Should I Have … like exercise, weight loss (if you're overweight), medicines, or another type of surgery. Key points to … down, the bones start to rub against each other. This causes damage to tissue and bone. The symptoms of …
Health topics
… breathe normally. At night, you open the valve so that air can go around the blockage in your throat and into your … sleep. Tracheostomy almost always cures sleep apnea that is caused by blockage of the upper airway. footnote 1 What To … until it's safe to go home. In some cases, the trach tube can be removed before you go home. But in many cases, you …
Health topics
… you have severe stenosis and the mitral valve looks like it can be repaired with this procedure. You and your doctor may … Risks during the procedure aren't common. But problems can include injury to the heart and stroke. Problems caused by the catheter may include: Pain, swelling, and …
Health topics
… from the tendon. Repairing (reattaching) tendon tears if it can be done without over-tightening the tendon. Surgery may … problem and the method the doctor prefers to use. Surgery can be done with general or regional anesthetic . It may … You may not be able to keep doing the activity that caused your tennis elbow. Or you may have to make some …
Health topics
… treatment for 5 minutes may also be used. This treatment causes some discomfort. You may feel a sensation of cold and … best treatment if abnormal cells are high in the cervical canal. In that case, another treatment, such as an … of the cervix, is recommended instead. What To Expect You can probably return to your normal activity level the day …
Health topics
… organs, especially the liver. Eventually, the excess iron can cause serious organ and tissue damage. Phlebotomy lowers … cells from the body. How Well It Works Removing excess iron can greatly reduce the risk of severe and even …
Health topics
… usually doesn't lead to other problems. But it might cause short-term skin colour change, infection, pain, and tiny red spider veins. Phlebectomy can help improve how the skin looks after treatment. … infection, pain, and tiny red spider veins. Phlebectomy can help improve how the skin looks after treatment. …
Health topics
… not imply that a baby is not being well cared for. What causes it? Cradle cap is the normal buildup of sticky skin … works well) for a few minutes to remove the scales. You can also try gently removing the scales with a fine-tooth … works well) for a few minutes to remove the scales. You can also try gently removing the scales with a fine-tooth …
Health topics
… when blood is transfused more quickly). Blood transfusions can: Treat a sudden or short-term condition related to … check for iron buildup in the body (iron overload). This can happen if you get many transfusions. Why It Is Done A … Anemia Some sudden complications of sickle cell disease cause the body's red blood cell count to drop to …
Health topics
… LASIK may include: Clouded vision (clouding of the cornea caused by inflammation during healing). This usually goes … corrected vision. (This is the best possible vision you can achieve using glasses or contact lenses.) Overcorrection … corrected vision. (This is the best possible vision you can achieve using glasses or contact lenses.) Overcorrection …