3959 results found
Health topics
… Eclampsia is pregnancy-related seizure activity that is caused by severe pre-eclampsia . Less than 1% of women who … supply to the fetus is drastically reduced. Sudden seizures can occur before, during, or (rarely) up to 6 weeks after … supply to the fetus is drastically reduced. Sudden seizures can occur before, during, or (rarely) up to 6 weeks after …
Health topics
… on how old a child is when diagnosed with JIA, he or she can expect to live for another 50 to 80 years. Many joint … replacements must be redone after 10 to 30 years of use, because the parts loosen. Most children with JIA do not put … anesthesia causes the muscles of the neck to relax. This can increase the risk of spinal cord injury in children …
Health topics
… one. Why is it used? Usually, low blood oxygen levels cause symptoms like fatigue or shortness of breath. But with … may suggest checking your oxygen at different times. This can help you know when you need medical attention even if … oxygen level (SpO2) and your pulse rate (PR). Your doctor can help you know what numbers are normal for you. The …
Health topics
… appear or by 12 months of age. Babies with dental problems caused by injury, disease, or a developmental problem should … and her dental history. (The condition of the mom's teeth can often predict her child's teeth.) After your first … you eat and whether you get enough vitamins and minerals can affect your dental health. If you have active tooth …
Health topics
… of becoming overweight. Sometimes a child's BMI and weight can increase without a child being at risk of having too … during puberty it is normal for children to have a significant gain in weight before they begin to grow in height. … an examination that looks for health problems that can cause weight gain. This may include questions about eating …
Health topics
… surgery, have a heart-healthy lifestyle. This lifestyle can help lower your risk of a heart attack or stroke. It … as possible. To have a heart-healthy lifestyle: Take your medicines. Do not smoke. Eat a heart-healthy diet. Get … talk to your doctor about stop-smoking programs and medicines. These can increase your chances of quitting for …
Health topics
… Your mind and body are powerful allies. How you think can affect how you feel. And how you feel can affect your thinking. An example of this mind-body … worry and stress over jobs, finances, or other problems can cause tense muscles, pain, headaches, and stomach problems. …
Health topics
… emotional distress, get help right away. Call Talk Suicide Canada: 1-833-456-4566 or text 45645 (4 p.m. to midnight ET). Kids or teens can call Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT to … about suicide." But you're here, reading this right now, because you want to overcome those thoughts. So take your …
Health topics
… roof of the mouth, gums, lips, or cheeks. A permanent tooth can sometimes be put back into its socket (reimplanted). The … tooth is not reimplanted after it has been knocked out because the reimplantation may cause problems with later … roof of the mouth, gums, lips, or cheeks. A permanent tooth can sometimes be put back into its socket (reimplanted). The …
Health topics
… is not limited. Ordinary physical activity does not cause tiredness (fatigue), heart palpitations , trouble … for the management of heart failure: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association. Journal of the American College of …