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Health topics
… helps you know how much short-acting insulin to give. You can use a home blood sugar meter to check your child's blood … You can get these logs from companies that make diabetic medicines and supplies. Or you can use a home blood sugar … the blood. Don't reuse lancets. Lancets get dull and can cause pain. Plus, a used lancet can carry bacteria that …
Health topics
… Overview What is a female condom? Condoms can protect you against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and they can be used to prevent pregnancy The female condom is a tube … in the first year of use. footnote 1 This is mostly caused by not using the condom every time with intercourse …
Health topics
… Using a Cane On this page: Overview Overview A walking aid—a walker, crutches, or a cane—helps substitute for a decrease in strength, range of … Clear away small rugs, cords, or anything else that could cause you to trip, slip, or fall. Be very careful around …
Health topics
… Family History and the Risk for Breast or Ovarian Cancer On this page: Overview … If someone in your family has had breast or ovarian cancer, or some other cancers like pancreatic or prostate … Eastern Europe.) Sometimes a very strong family history is caused by a mutated gene that runs in the family. BRCA1 and …
Health topics
… activity has short-term and long-term health benefits and can help to prevent and treat many chronic conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and dementia. Newer evidence shows a strong … risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and all-cause mortality. Canadian guidelines recommend that adults …
Health topics
… toddler's first teeth (called baby teeth) are important because they: Help your toddler stay healthy. Infections in the mouth and teeth can affect overall health and wellness, now and long into … Be sure to take your toddler to the dentist regularly. The Canadian Dental Association recommends that toddlers see a …
Health topics
… longer. By slowly increasing your level of activity, you can improve your quality of life, handle day-to-day … Stretches should be slow and smooth. Stretching may cause you mild discomfort, but you shouldn't feel pain. … …
Health topics
… smell, taste, or the sense of feeling. Depression, which can cause a loss of appetite and requires treatment. If you have … given by your rehab team (if appropriate). Take your medicines one at a time with the food or fluid consistency …
Health topics
… (ACEs) are things that happen before adulthood that can cause trauma. Or they're things that make a child feel like … experiences. Why screening is done Stress from ACEs can affect a person's health. This is true during childhood …
Health topics
… The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet can help you lower your blood pressure. It includes eating … Lung, and Blood Institute. These servings may not match Canada's Food Guide. Follow these daily recommendations: The … any of these minerals taken in the form of a supplement can cause problems, including possible death. See your doctor …