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Health topics
… health professional, and between you and your partner. Because a sexual problem often has multiple causes, treatments cannot be universally applied—what works for one woman may … a sexual problem often has multiple causes, treatments cannot be universally applied—what works for one woman may …
Health topics
… a buildup of watery fluid around one or both testicles . It causes the scrotum or groin area to swell. A congenital … probably go away by the time your baby is 2 years old. What causes it? A month or so before birth, a baby's testicles … at age 2. The swelling comes and goes. The swelling causes pain. The swelling gets worse. If surgery is needed, …
Health topics
… test used to find markers of hepatitis infection. Hepatitis causes inflammation of the liver. There are different … or the genetic material ( DNA or RNA ) of the viruses that cause hepatitis. A common panel checks for: Hepatitis A IgM … test used to find markers of hepatitis infection. Hepatitis causes inflammation of the liver. There are different …
Health topics
… to your brain. When plaque builds up in either one, it can limit blood flow to your brain. The plaque also raises … that this surgery will reduce your stroke risk more than medicines and lifestyle changes alone. footnote 1 , footnote … endarterectomy include: Infection. Nerve damage that could cause serious problems, like trouble swallowing. Bleeding in …
Health topics
… what other people will think of you. In many cases, no one can even tell if you are struggling with symptoms. But sometimes the fear that someone can tell is enough to cause concern. Mental health problems can include bipolar …
Health topics
… to affect the course of the disease are disease-modifying medicines, such as interferon beta. Other types of treatment should not replace these medicines if you are a candidate for treatment with them. Some people who have MS … and trauma. Viral infection while at a young age that causes a permanent, partial breakdown in the immune system. …
Health topics
… kill good bacteria along with the bad bacteria that cause illness. A decrease in good bacteria may lead to … They are studying probiotics for possible benefits in colon cancer, skin infections, and irritable bowel syndrome . How … Complementary Medicine Natural Health Products (Herbal Medicines and Natural Products) Current as of: March …
Health topics
… close supervision to keep them safe. Drowning is a leading cause of death among children between the ages of 12 months … They also do not float as well as a lifejacket, and can give a false sense of security. Useful resources Your …
Health topics
… to prick the side of your fingertip with the lancet. You can use a lancet without a holder, but a holder makes it … You can get these logs from companies that make diabetic medicines and supplies. Or use a home blood sugar diary. … the blood. Don't reuse lancets. Lancets get dull and can cause pain. Plus, a used lancet can carry bacteria that …
Health topics
… will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Diabetes: Should I Get … insulin injections. Key points to remember An insulin pump can free you from a strict regimen of meals, sleep, and exercise, because you can program it to match your changing schedule. …