3959 results found
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… or adhesives if you think your nail problem could be caused by one of these substances. Nail … or adhesives if you think your nail problem could be caused by one of these substances. Nail …
Health topics
… be mechanical or made of animal tissue. You and your doctor can decide before surgery which type of valve is best for … for people who have severe aortic valve stenosis. Surgery can relieve symptoms, improve your quality of life, and help … age, heart health, and other medical problems. Blood clots caused by the new valve. Replacement with a mechanical valve …
Health topics
… in or near the joint. The injection is intended to cause inflammation. The body responds to the inflammation by … in or near the joint. The injection is intended to cause inflammation. The body responds to the inflammation by …
Health topics
… fatigue, anxiety, smoking, pain, or being cold are common causes of poor let-down. With poor let-down, you may not … your milk begins to flow. You may develop sore nipples because your baby has to work harder or you have to pump … fatigue, anxiety, smoking, pain, or being cold are common causes of poor let-down. With poor let-down, you may not …
Health topics
… best chance of: Relieving pain in the foot or toe that is caused by a deformity or joint problem. Preventing a foot or … on the front of the foot and on the toe joints. If you cannot avoid wearing pumps or high-heeled shoes, choose … on the front of the foot and on the toe joints. If you cannot avoid wearing pumps or high-heeled shoes, choose …
Health topics
… Overview Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is caused by long-term heavy alcohol use . It is a type of … dilated cardiomyopathy . The heart muscle is weakened and cannot pump blood efficiently. If your heart gets weaker, … to make alcoholic cardiomyopathy worse. Treatment includes medicines and lifestyle changes. Dilated …
Health topics
… another to make up for irregularities in the cornea that cause astigmatism . Convex lenses or bifocals refocus the … another to make up for irregularities in the cornea that cause astigmatism . Convex lenses or bifocals refocus the …
Health topics
Health topics
… Vietnamese Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, is a disease caused by the mpox virus. It enters the body through broken … skin (even if not visible) or the respiratory tract. It can also enter through the eyes, nose or mouth. Vaccination … Disease Control: Mpox . For information on the situation in Canada, refer to the Public Health Agency of Canada: Mpox …
Health topics
… But sometimes they use regional anesthesia, which means you can't feel the area of the surgery and you are sleepy, but … of the body, such as the mouth, to the artificial joint and cause a serious problem. What To Expect After surgery You … for about a day after surgery. You will also receive medicines to control pain, and you might get medicines to …