3959 results found
Health topics
… Overview Overview Flexibility exercises can help you keep your range of motion when you have an SCI. … A loved one or a physiotherapist or occupational therapist can help you with others. When you do these stretches, make … Don't bend your knee. Don't bend forward as you do this, because it will stretch you too much. Hold this position for 3 …
Health topics
… Cancer: Home Treatment for Mouth Sores On this page: … know you are having mouth sores. You may need to have your medicines adjusted. And try some of the following home … foam mouth swabs. Stay away from whitening toothpastes because they can irritate a sore mouth. Gently floss your …
Health topics
… Cancer Support: Dealing With Emotions and Fears On this page: Overview Overview When you have cancer, you may have a lot of different feelings, like anger, sadness, and fear. And your feelings can change from day to day, and even moment to moment. Most …
Health topics
… have the illness. These may include starting a family. You can have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby if you have … Talk to your doctor about this. You may be taking other medicines for schizophrenia or for the side effects of the medicines. You need to discuss all the medicines you take …
Health topics
… Get started As people age, they lose muscle strength, which can make them more likely to fall. Also, their reflexes slow … exercises, and take the time to do them each day. This can help you stay active and independent. First steps Start … to the wall, the sink, or countertop. Or if you prefer, you can sit in a sturdy, straight-backed chair. Warm up. Breathe …
Health topics
… Overview When your back hurts all or most of the time, it can affect more than just your body. There's an emotional … talk to people who are dealing with the same issues you are—can be a great source of comfort and advice. Some support … trained to help others with the same type of problems. Because they know what you have gone through, they can be good …
Health topics
… be surprised by how spending just a little extra time can save you money. And the more time you spend—in planning, … refrigerator and freezer. That way they won't go to waste because you forgot they were there. And you can use the list when you're planning next week's meals. …
Health topics
… Overview Sometimes daily activities can be exhausting when you have COPD, heart failure, or … effort as possible. With some planning and a few tips, you can get tasks done more easily and enjoy your daily routine. Planning daily activities Here are some ways you can conserve your energy when doing daily tasks. Make a list …
Health topics
… keep your heart and blood vessels healthy. This lifestyle can help lower your risk of a heart attack and stroke. It can also improve the quality and length of your life. To be … second-hand smoke. Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do to reduce your risk of future problems. When you …
Health topics
… matter what your exercise goal is, making a specific plan can help you be more successful. Follow these steps to … me (target heart rate)? Should I change the time I take my medicines? Other questions See your success! Creating this … me (target heart rate)? Should I change the time I take my medicines? Other questions See your success! Creating this …