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3959 results found
Health topics
… abortion? Abortion is the early ending of a pregnancy. This can be done with medicines (medical abortion) or a surgical procedure … as you know that you are pregnant. These medicines usually cause bleeding and strong cramps for 3 to 5 hours. You may …
Health topics
… usually appears in the first 5 days of life. Babies born in Canada are routinely checked for jaundice within 72 hours … if the bilirubin level stays high and isn't treated, it can cause brain damage called kernicterus . This can lead to …
Health topics
… blood from animals or people. Kissing bugs have that name because their bites are often found around the mouth. They … during the day and are active at night when they feed. They can go for weeks without feeding. Kissing bugs can carry a parasite that causes Chagas disease, but this is …
Health topics
… per day than what is usually recommended for your age. How can you get more potassium? Here are some ways to get more … level that is too high or too low can be serious. It may cause symptoms such as muscle cramps or weakness, nausea, … including how well your kidneys are working and certain medicines. Chronic Kidney Disease Heart …
Health topics
… is a break, or fracture, in a bone of your toe. A fracture can range from a hairline crack in the bone to the bone … two or more pieces that no longer line up correctly. What causes a broken toe? You may break (fracture) one of your … need to check that your toe is healing right. Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label. If …
Health topics
… or excitement, or in times of boredom or inactivity. It can also be a learned behaviour from family members. … Try stress-management techniques if you bite your nails because you are anxious or stressed. Paint a bitter-tasting … disorder (OCD) . OCD symptoms are usually treated with medicines. Fungal Nail Infections Mouth …
Health topics
… body doesn't have enough red blood cells (anemia). Anemia can make you feel weak and tired. What causes it? Most people get more than enough B12 from eating … Other causes include drinking alcohol and taking certain medicines. Recommended amounts of vitamin B12 The amount of …
Health topics
… help you eat less and feel full sooner. This procedure can be done in two ways: By making several small cuts and … after the surgery. In a laparoscopic surgery, most people can go back to work or their usual routine in about 2 to 4 … before they are ready to get back to their usual routine. Because the surgery makes your stomach smaller, you will get …
Health topics
… This damages the inside of your small intestine so that it can't do a good job of absorbing nutrients from your food. Celiac disease can lead to anemia or osteoporosis . In children, celiac … If it isn't treated, your child can get very sick. What causes it? Doctors think celiac disease may be a problem …
Health topics
… to you or a loved one. It may threaten someone's life or cause serious injury. It can be a one-time event, like a sexual assault or a car … Or it may be ongoing, such as abuse or severe illness. How can a traumatic event affect you? Everyone responds to …