3751 results found
Health topics
… High blood pressure can limit the baby's growth and cause other serious problems. Sometimes it's a first sign of … pressure rises to higher levels. Some common blood pressure medicines aren't safe during pregnancy. If you take blood … Be sure that your doctor has a complete list of the medicines you take. To reduce your risk for pre-eclampsia, …
Health topics
… brain's oxygen supply begins to drop. A lack of oxygen can cause brain damage. What happens after a person survives a … Seem to be fine. Even a little water in the lungs can cause serious lung problems in the next hours or days. … brain's oxygen supply begins to drop. A lack of oxygen can cause brain damage. What happens after a person survives a …
Health topics
… disorder means that a person uses opioids even though it causes harm to themself or others. It can range from mild to … use disorder. How is it treated? Treatment usually includes medicines, group therapy, one or more types of counselling, and drug education. Medicines may be used to help you quit. They may help to …
Health topics
… recommended by a health professional. Many over the counter medicines are not safe for children under six years old. Diarrhea Diarrhea is often caused by an infection, illness or irritation. Your baby's … will be watery and foul smelling. Diarrhea is serious because it can cause dehydration, which can make babies very …
Health topics
… go away. Here are some tips for treating a lump that may be caused by infection under the skin. Do not squeeze, scratch, … lump, push any existing infection deeper into the skin, or cause severe bleeding. Keep the area clean. Wash the lump … go away. Here are some tips for treating a lump that may be caused by infection under the skin. Do not squeeze, scratch, …
Health topics
… blood that clots too easily or too quickly. Things that may cause increased clotting include: Having certain blood … and arteries shortly after they are injured. Injury can be caused by a recent medical procedure or surgery that … involved your legs, hips, belly, or brain. Or it can be caused by an injury, such as a broken hip. Related …
Health topics
… doctors are comfortable with the careful use of certain medicines to start labour. In the rare event that a uterine … is not repairable, the uterus is removed ( hysterectomy ). Cause severe maternal bleeding and a decrease in oxygen to … doctors are comfortable with the careful use of certain medicines to start labour. In the rare event that a uterine …
Health topics
… such as a wisdom tooth, has been removed (extracted). What causes it? Dry socket develops when the blood clot at the … surgery disintegrates or is dislodged. This condition can cause severe pain extending up to the ear. The socket may … such as a wisdom tooth, has been removed (extracted). What causes it? Dry socket develops when the blood clot at the …
Health topics
… Cushing's syndrome. Your doctor also will look at emotional causes, such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. … adrenal glands and the thyroid. These tests look for the cause of being overweight as well as problems from being … Cushing's syndrome. Your doctor also will look at emotional causes, such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. …
Health topics
… America, and Europe in late 2002 and early 2003. SARS is caused by a type of coronavirus, which can cause mild to … isolation to prevent passing the disease to others. Various medicines—including corticosteroids and the antiviral … isolation to prevent passing the disease to others. Various medicines—including corticosteroids and the antiviral …