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3751 results found
Health topics
… nerve cells, the colon can't move stool correctly. This can cause trapped stool, serious inflammation of the colon, and … check for. In rare cases, it can be life-threatening. What causes it? Doctors don't know what causes Hirschsprung disease, but it tends to run in …
Health topics
… A woman's fertility drops from her mid-30s into her 40s because of the natural aging of the egg supply. A man's … Take medicine that helps a woman ovulate. A man can take medicines to increase sperm count. Have a procedure that … you want to try. For example, some people agree to try medicines but don't want surgery or other treatments. Find …
Health topics
… triggers. Triggers can bring up stressful feelings or cause you to have flashbacks, which means you feel like … common reaction. It's normal to stay away from things that cause you stress. Because of this, you may feel like you can't do the things you …
Health topics
… products, keep in mind the following: Like conventional medicines, natural health products may cause side effects, trigger allergic reactions, or interact with prescription and non-prescription medicines or other natural health products you might be …
Health topics
… toys, throw rugs, electrical cords, or anything that may cause me to trip. ____My furniture is a height that allows … and how they can help. ____I know the side effects of my medicines and whether any affect my sense of balance. ____I … and how they can help. ____I know the side effects of my medicines and whether any affect my sense of balance. ____I …
Health topics
… babies born to someone with epilepsy. Most antiepileptic medicines increase the risk even more. If you have epilepsy … during pregnancy can also harm the baby. And pregnancy causes changes in your body that may increase the frequency … dose to avoid potential problems from the medicine. Medicines may not harm a baby as much as seizures during …
Health topics
… insect repellents. Mosquitoes, biting flies, and ticks can cause annoying bites and sometimes a serious disease. … can spread infections such as West Nile virus (a virus that causes swelling of the brain called encephalitis), Zika … and malaria in some parts of the world. Tick bites can cause serious diseases such as Lyme disease and Rocky …
Health topics
… symptoms is not the same thing as being symptom-free. Medicines must be stopped before an athlete can be … can gradually increase activity as long as it does not cause new symptoms or worsen his or her symptoms. The … symptoms is not the same thing as being symptom-free. Medicines must be stopped before an athlete can be …
Health topics
… the skin may take a long time to recover. Cryotherapy can cause redness, blisters, pain, or tenderness. Healing may take a week or longer. Cryotherapy can also cause skin colour changes where you had the treatment. This … the skin may take a long time to recover. Cryotherapy can cause redness, blisters, pain, or tenderness. Healing may …