3928 results found
Health topics
… If you collect milk, you can store it so you don't have to use it right away. Why store breast milk? Storing breast … your baby later or allows someone else to do it. This is useful if you're going back to work or will be gone at … hands before pumping or handling milk that will be stored. Use plastic bottle liners, small freezer bags, or glass …
Health topics
… Milk Thistle On this page: Treatment Overview Why It Is Used Risks Treatment Overview Milk … indigestion, and other conditions. It has been widely used in Europe, where it is a common complementary treatment … Canada, it is sold as a natural health product. Why It Is Used There isn't clear evidence from science that taking …
Health topics
… and heart disease. Start with small changes first. Use heart-healthy olive or canola oil instead of butter for … instead of 2% milk or whole milk. Pick leaner cuts of meat. Use this topic as a guide for making healthy choices. How can you make healthier choices? Use the following chart as a guide. Options for replacing …
Health topics
… as lactic acid, mandelic acid, and glycolic acid are often used in products to treat acne . These products work by … Skin care products that have AHAs are generally safe to use, but they may cause tingling and a mild redness of the skin. Use them less …
Health topics
… such as Aveeno. Do not wash burned skin with harsh soap. Use a moisturizer or light powder to smooth areas where skin rubs against skin to prevent chafing. Use calamine lotion for itching. Cut a raw potato and spread the juice on the burned skin. Use chamomile diluted in warm water or brewed into a tea to …
Health topics
… stores. The amount of boric acid needed and how long you use it depends on the type of infection you have. Follow the instructions on the package. You may find it easier to use boric acid capsules at bedtime. If you are pregnant, do not use vaginal boric acid treatment. How well does it work? …
Health topics
… Works Risks Surgery Overview In vacuum aspiration, a doctor uses gentle suction to remove the contents of the uterus. … suction) aspiration. Manual vacuum aspiration involves the use of a specially designed syringe to apply suction. A thin … remove the tissue. Electric vacuum aspiration involves the use of a thin tube that is attached to a pump. The tube is …
Health topics
… happens during recovery depends on the surgical technique used and the location of the incisions. After knee … be immobilized in a removable cast. You will start physiotherapy after 1 or 2 days. Why It Is Done Synovectomy may be used to treat joints affected by rheumatoid arthritis that …
Health topics
… sterile bandage or cloth. If you don't have a sterile one, use a clean bandage or cloth. Do not use fluffy cotton bandages around the eye. They could tear … the area around the eye. If blisters form, do not pop them. Use a light, cool compress to reduce the pain. If a small …
Health topics
… well, but they do have some risks and side effects. Their use may increase the risk of suicide, especially in the first few weeks of use. If your child starts antidepressants, be sure to be … your child include: Have you lost interest in things you used to enjoy? Have you had any change in how well or when …