3928 results found
Health topics
… Don't wear wool and synthetic fabrics next to your skin. Use gentle soaps on your skin. Examples are Basis, Cetaphil, Dove, and Oil of Olay. Use as little soap as you can. Don't use deodorant soaps. Wash your clothes with a mild soap, …
Health topics
… floor. Move furniture and electrical cords out of the way. Use non-skid floor wax, and wipe up spills right away. Keep your house well lit. Use night-lights (or keep the overhead light on at night) in …
Health topics
… Overuse Injuries On this page: Overview Overview When you use one part of your body in the same way over and over again, it can cause an overuse injury. Overuse injuries happen when you …
Health topics
… and how hard it is to do the activity. An RPE is usually used as part of a cardiac rehab program. Your cardiac rehab team will teach you how to use RPE. Then you may be able to use it when you exercise on your own. …
Health topics
… Information Overview Ginger may relieve nausea and morning sickness after a few days of treatment. footnote 1 There are several ways you can use ginger to relieve your symptoms. Try: Ground ginger in a … that may harm your baby. Grated fresh ginger in hot water, used as a tea. Ginger in a sugar syrup base, available at …
Health topics
… Gaviscon Mylanta Tums Why are acid-reducing medicines used? Acid reducers may be used to: Treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Treat … side effects might go away after a while. H2 blockers can cause headaches or make you dizzy. They might cause diarrhea …
Health topics
… on blood from animals or people. Bedbugs have that name because they like to hide in bedding and mattresses. Bedbugs … may be red, itchy bites on the skin, usually on the arms or shoulders. Bedbugs tend to leave straight rows of bites, … may be red, itchy bites on the skin, usually on the arms or shoulders. Bedbugs tend to leave straight rows of bites, …
Health topics
… (aikido or karate), tai chi, or yoga. Build strength. Do housework and yard work on a regular basis. Scrub the bathtub, … Try muscle-strengthening exercises using weights. You can use cans of food instead of buying dumbbells. Do aerobic … some ideas for fitting some activity into your day at work. Use your commute to work to do some extra walking. You can …
Health topics
… on furniture and counter tops. Keep objects that are used often within easy reach. Install handrails around the toilet and in the shower. Use a tub mat to prevent slipping. Use a shower chair or bath bench when the person bathes. …
Health topics
… There are things you can do to manage sleep problems caused by cancer or cancer treatment. For example, it may help … and wake up feeling more refreshed. Your sleeping area Use your bedroom only for sleeping and sex. A bit of light … But if it doesn't, do your reading elsewhere in the house. Try not to use your TV, computer, smartphone, or tablet …