3928 results found
Health topics
… care as another way for you to see a doctor. You will use a computer, phone, or other device to talk to a doctor … doctor might give you a different web address or app to use. After you log in, you can talk with the provider. You may use video so they can see you. Your connection will be …
Health topics
… mould in your home, remove it with one of these methods. Use bleach with caution, because it may irritate your nose and lungs. Add a mould inhibitor product to paint that you use in the home. Store fireplace wood outside the home. …
Health topics
… health: Walking for a healthy heart Using equipment safely Use equipment that fits you properly, is sturdy and not broken or worn out Use equipment that's designed for safety. For example, if you're planning to bike, run or walk at night, use lights or wear a reflective vest Include a proper …
Health topics
… (if possible), the symptoms, and what kind of medicine you used for relief and how well it worked. Also note if you had … your PEF using the same green, yellow, and red zone system used in your asthma action plan . Here is an example of how to use an asthma diary if you are keeping track of peak flow. …
Health topics
… organ transplant need anti-rejection medicines. That's because the immune system will try to destroy the new organ. … inhibitors Calcineurin inhibitors block the message that causes rejection. Examples include tacrolimus and … the blood, and kidney problems. These medicines can also cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, high cholesterol, tremors, …
Health topics
… for the Home for Vertigo On this page: Overview Overview Use these checklists once a month to see how you are doing … Checklist for the home ____Walkways around the house (especially to the bathroom or telephone) are clear of … toys, throw rugs, electrical cords, or anything that may cause me to trip. ____My furniture is a height that allows me …
Health topics
… cultures. Yeast is another probiotic. Why are probiotics used? Many people use probiotics to prevent side effects from antibiotics. … kill good bacteria along with the bad bacteria that cause illness. A decrease in good bacteria may lead to …
Health topics
… It allows the urine to drain out. A straight catheter is used for intermittent self-catheterization. Indwelling Foley … contact with urine. What To Expect Catheterization may cause some discomfort during the procedure. A condom or Texas catheter doesn't cause much discomfort. That's because it isn't inserted into …
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… Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . …
Health topics
… language skills continue to develop, he will start to use personal pronouns such as "I," "me," and "you" and put … the other parent/caregiver speaks another language If you use only one language at home, your toddler can learn a … Listen to audiotapes and CDs of nursery rhymes together Use correct pronouns in sentences. For example, instead of …