1845 results found
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… (TBI)? A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can range from a mild concussion to a severe head injury. It is caused by a blow to the head or … brain tissue. With rest, most people fully recover from a mild brain injury. But some people who have had a severe or …
Health topics
… often blocked or partly blocked while you sleep. It can be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the number of times an hour that you …
Health topics
… Muscle aches and headache. Fatigue. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and belly pain. You quickly will become very sick. … treatment in a hospital right away, even if the case is mild. You will get treatment to support you through the … treatment in a hospital right away, even if the case is mild. You will get treatment to support you through the …
Health topics
… . People often use the term "flu" to describe any kind of mild illness, such as a cold or a stomach virus , that has … and last longer. The flu usually does not cause vomiting or diarrhea in adults. Most flu outbreaks happen in late fall … need to go to the hospital for treatment. They may have severe symptoms or get pneumonia. Or the flu infection may …
Health topics
… is the most common bleeding problem in people who have severe hemophilia. Bleeding usually occurs in one joint at a … This is called an aura. If bleeding isn't treated, mild discomfort can progress to severe pain. Swelling and … hemophilia is bleeding into a muscle (hematoma). It can be mild or severe. There are many possible symptoms of bleeding …
Health topics
… shape of the letter "S" or the letter "C." If this curve is severe, it can cause pain and make it hard to breathe. … Why It Is Done Surgery may be done if: Your child has a moderate to severe curve or yours is severe, and the curve … Why It Is Done Surgery may be done if: Your child has a moderate to severe curve or yours is severe, and the curve …
Health topics
… Experts say your goal should be at least 2½ hours of moderate to vigorous activity each week. footnote 1 It's … your day and week. For example, you could: Do some sort of moderate aerobic activity , like brisk walking. Or do more … are resting. Here's an easy way to tell if your exercise is moderate: You're at a moderate level of activity if you can …
Health topics
… That's because it develops slowly, and the symptoms may be mild. As anemia gets worse, you may feel weak and tired or … deficiency anemia develops slowly, and the symptoms may be mild. Mild anemia may not cause noticeable symptoms. If anemia is severe, symptoms may include: Feeling weak and tired more …
Health topics
… activity, trade light-intensity physical activity for moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity and …
Health topics
… heart rate is between 45% and 54% of your HRmax During moderate intensity activity - Target heart rate is between …