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Health topics
… the brain within seconds and has a direct effect on the body for up to 30 minutes. When a person uses tobacco regularly, the levels of nicotine accumulate in the body during the day and persist overnight, exposing the person to the effects of nicotine for 24 hours. In the body, nicotine acts as both a central nervous system …
Health topics
… daddy the ball." By 18 months, know the names of people, body parts, and objects. Use gestures, such as pointing. … (24 months to 36 months): Know the name of at least seven body parts. Increase their understanding of object names. … gestures and facial expressions. Usually can name some body parts (such as arms and legs), favourite toys, and …
Health topics
… Puberty is the entire process of changes affecting the body and its hormones that accompany sexual maturation. In … that Mom and Dad went through this time too. Talk about body odour. Young adolescents may not be aware of developing body odour and the need for deodorants and more frequent …
Health topics
… for weight loss, which can trigger healthy changes in the body's insulin system. Remission is less likely in the later stages of diabetes. This is because over time the body may slowly lose its ability to make insulin. There's no … level (which you set with your doctor). Carbohydrate—the body's main source of fuel—affects blood sugar more than any …
Health topics
… calories. They can help you build both upper- and lower-body muscles. They also put little stress on your joints … because they use muscles in both the upper and lower body. If you are new to these machines, start slowly (5 to … are similar to ski machines, but they work only the lower-body muscles. They are simpler to use than ski machines, …
Health topics
… deficiency anemia is a blood problem that occurs when your body doesn't have enough of this vitamin. Your body needs B12 to make red blood cells , which carry oxygen. Without enough B12, your body doesn't have enough red blood cells (anemia). Anemia …
Health topics
… when you have too much of the hormone cortisol in your body. Cortisol is especially important in controlling blood … and metabolism . But it affects almost every area of your body. Normally, your body keeps the level of cortisol in balance through a …
Health topics
… in middle age, existing bone cells are reabsorbed by the body faster than new bone is made. As this occurs, the bones … disorders or metabolism problems that do not allow the body to take in and use enough vitamins and minerals … often combined with vitamin D. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium and other minerals. It is found in eggs, …
Health topics
… muscles jerk rapidly as though they are being shocked. The body may jerk once or many times, on one or both sides of the body, in a rhythmic or random pattern. The person usually … muscles jerk rapidly as though they are being shocked. The body may jerk once or many times, on one or both sides of …
Health topics
… seizures.) When a tonic seizure occurs, the muscles in the body contract and the entire body stiffens. This occurs suddenly and without warning. And … seizures.) When a tonic seizure occurs, the muscles in the body contract and the entire body stiffens. This occurs …