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Health topics
… a sudden loss of muscle tone in the muscles that hold the body and head upright. The seizure occurs without warning … a sudden loss of muscle tone in the muscles that hold the body and head upright. The seizure occurs without warning …
Health topics
… to use the hand, press the affected elbow against your body to make your upper arm stable. Then perform the … to use the hand, press the affected elbow against your body to make your upper arm stable. Then perform the …
Health topics
… cultural pressure about thinness or weight. Having a poor body image. Taking part in sports or activities that … cultural pressure about thinness or weight. Having a poor body image. Taking part in sports or activities that …
Health topics
… amounts of fluids to drink every hour are based on body weight: Fluid amounts to drink Your weight Fluid … amounts of fluids to drink every hour are based on body weight: Fluid amounts to drink Your weight Fluid …
Health topics
… phase need a great deal of support. Picture your cervix and body opening to let your baby out. Tell someone if you have …
Health topics
… plants. They have the same structure as the hormones your body makes. Many commonly prescribed forms of estrogen and … plants. They have the same structure as the hormones your body makes. Many commonly prescribed forms of estrogen and …
Health topics
… may force you to work harder to breathe and cause your body temperature to increase. Both of these conditions burn … may force you to work harder to breathe and cause your body temperature to increase. Both of these conditions burn …
Health topics
… during pregnancy. Hair may appear on other parts of your body, such as your belly, face, or back. This is normal … during pregnancy. Hair may appear on other parts of your body, such as your belly, face, or back. This is normal …
Health topics
… Information Check Your Symptoms Overview Coughing is the body's way of removing foreign material or mucus from the … The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, choose the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, …