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Health topics
… out in front of you, so its head is pointing away from your body. You may also hold it erect, so that it is pointing up. … out in front of you, so its head is pointing away from your body. You may also hold it erect, so that it is pointing up. …
Health topics
… was jailed or hospitalized several times for violence. His body is covered with scars from vehicle crashes and … was jailed or hospitalized several times for violence. His body is covered with scars from vehicle crashes and …
Health topics
… may include: Loss of sex drive. Erection problems. Loss of body hair. Very small testicles. Fertility problems. Breast … may include: Loss of sex drive. Erection problems. Loss of body hair. Very small testicles. Fertility problems. Breast …
Health topics
… such as vitamins and minerals. Iron is a nutrient. Your body needs the right amount to stay healthy and work as it … such as vitamins and minerals. Iron is a nutrient. Your body needs the right amount to stay healthy and work as it …
Health topics
… on the back or chest, but they can occur on any part of the body. They grow slowly and seldom go away on their own. … on the back or chest, but they can occur on any part of the body. They grow slowly and seldom go away on their own. …
Health topics
… in one of two ways: It lowers the amount of hormones your body makes. It blocks the cell receptors. This keeps the … in one of two ways: It lowers the amount of hormones your body makes. It blocks the cell receptors. This keeps the …
Health topics
… takes more pressure in the colon to move stools out of the body. This puts more pressure on the walls of the colon. A … takes more pressure in the colon to move stools out of the body. This puts more pressure on the walls of the colon. A …
Health topics
… during manic episodes when it can be hard to keep their body still. Get support for yourself. Living with or caring … during manic episodes when it can be hard to keep their body still. Get support for yourself. Living with or caring …
Health topics
… Elbows, forearms, wrists, hands, and fingers are the body areas affected the most. Any injury in a child or teen … or swollen lymph nodes in the armpit on that side of your body. "Shooter's abscess" is an infection often seen in … The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, …
Health topics
… The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, choose the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, … lasted longer than 1 week Many things can affect how your body responds to a symptom and what kind of care you may …