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Health topics
… that carries urine from your bladder to the outside of your body. Then the doctor moves the scope through your urethra … a stone. If this is done, the pieces will wash out of your body in your urine. You may be awake during the procedure. … that carries urine from your bladder to the outside of your body. Then the doctor moves the scope through your urethra …
Health topics
… What causes it? Jaundice occurs because your baby's body has more bilirubin than it can get rid of. Bilirubin is a yellow substance that's made when the body breaks down old red blood cells. It leaves the body through urine and stool. When you're pregnant, your …
Health topics
… to the other person. Use gloves whenever you might touch body fluids, such as saliva, blood, urine, or stool. Use a … objects carefully. Gloves can help prevent infection from body fluids. But if there are times when you choose not to … hands as clean as possible. After coming into contact with body fluids, wash your hands as soon as you can. And keep …
Health topics
… to be close enough to latch well. Turn your baby's whole body to face you (tummy to tummy). Support your breast but …
Health topics
… As soon as possible, you will be taught how to move your body without hurting your hip. Until your hip is fully … Your weight can make a difference. Every extra kilogram of body weight adds 3 kilograms of stress to your new hip … of the way the hip is structured, every added kilogram of body weight adds 3 kilograms of stress to the hip. …
Health topics
… your developing baby (fetus) is growing quickly. Your body is producing higher levels of progesterone . This … most of your second trimester. In the third trimester, your body is dealing with the physical demands of carrying a … for yourself when you're tired During pregnancy, your body is doing a lot of hard work. Try these tips when you …
Health topics
… on its own The way the hernia looks bothers me. I don't mind the way the hernia looks. More important Equally … important I want to take care of the problem now. I don't mind waiting to see if surgery is really needed. More … on its own The way the hernia looks bothers me. I don't mind the way the hernia looks.               More important …
Health topics
… mother's breast. Fatigue from blood loss during labour. Body shakes. Difficulty peeing due to swelling. Tips for you …
Health topics
… take a thin sheet of healthy skin from another part of your body. This sheet of skin can be used to cover the area where … quickly. Has a high risk of spreading to other parts of the body, such as in some squamous cell carcinomas . Occurs in … take a thin sheet of healthy skin from another part of your body. This sheet of skin can be used to cover the area where …
Health topics
… to eat well and develop a healthy attitude towards their body, food and eating. Infants Thinking about how you’ll … File #69k) Food allergy  Food allergy happens when the body's immune system treats a protein in a food as harmful. … support your child to have a healthy attitude towards their body, food and eating through what you say and do. Learn …