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Health topics
… can damage your liver (cirrhosis). If this happens, your body may lose its natural response to protect itself from … a drink once in a while. Learning how alcohol affects your body can help you make the right choices. If you drink Work … can damage your liver (cirrhosis). If this happens, your body may lose its natural response to protect itself from …
Health topics
… 9, 2024 Overview Diabetes is a condition where your body is not able to control the levels of glucose (sugar) in … the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in people of all body sizes. In people with diabetes, physical activity can …
Health topics
… Dark, black, or bloody stools. Low or unstable body temperature. Chills and fever. Fast heartbeat and … the intestine can heal. (With an ostomy, stool leaves the body through an opening in the belly and collects in a bag.) … done to close the ostomy so that stool can pass through the body normally again. After treatment, your baby will be …
Health topics
… inexpensive, last 10 to 20 minutes, and mould well to your body. Mix 3 cups ( 750 mL ) water and 1 cup ( 250 mL ) … doctor before using one. They can cause dangerously low body temperatures, heart problems, and frostbite. Cold … "iceless therapy" because ice isn't used directly on your body. A small cooler holds ice and water. A pad wraps around …
Health topics
… heart and the large blood vessel that carries blood to the body (aorta) is narrow. That forces the heart to pump harder … Then your doctor removes the balloon and tube from your body. You likely will stay overnight in the hospital after … heart and the large blood vessel that carries blood to the body (aorta) is narrow. That forces the heart to pump harder …
Health topics
… through the aortic valve into the left ventricle. The body doesn't get enough blood, so the heart has to work … night. Swelling in the legs and sometimes the rest of the body (edema). Awareness of the heartbeat, especially when … active life by doing things that help keep your heart and body healthy. Here's how. Have a heart-healthy lifestyle. If …
Health topics
… weigh more than expected. Doctors use growth charts or the body mass index (BMI) to measure a child's weight in … increase without a child being at risk of having too much body fat. For instance, before and during puberty it is … BMI but have normal or even lower-than-normal amounts of body fat. If your child's BMI and growth pattern suggest a …
Health topics
… PMR. It may be that the immune system is attacking the body's own tissues. Your genes may play a role in this. For … are worse in the morning. And they affect both sides of the body–for example, both shoulders, not just one. Other … These tests can show if you have inflammation in your body. Complete blood count. This test can show if you have …
Health topics
… with others, and they might form false ideas about their body image. The influence of media can add to a teen's poor … your teen knows not to text and drive, it is important to remind them. Remind your child often that driving is a huge responsibility …
Health topics
… thoughts and behaviours towards food, weight, and your body shape. An eating disorder is more than just about food. … Here: Mental Health and Substance Use Supports in B.C. Embody BC Embody provides education, resources and inspiration to …