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Health topics
… sneezing. Red eyes. Sore throat and cough. Headaches and body aches. You will probably feel a cold come on over the … mouth are the most likely places for germs to enter your body. Eat well, and get plenty of sleep and exercise. This keeps your body strong so it can fight URIs. Don't smoke. Smoking makes …
Health topics
… out, but the soft tube (cannula) stays in your child's body and is held in place with tape. Then, when your child … you give the injections in different places on your child's body each day (rotate sites), use the same site at the same … out, but the soft tube (cannula) stays in your child's body and is held in place with tape. Then, when your child …
Health topics
… are broken. Post these rules in an area that will help remind everyone. Set daily routines. An action becomes a habit through continual reminders and repetition. For example, brushing teeth … or other activities. Teach your child to first scan their body to make sure that they are dressed appropriately. Then, …
Health topics
… sexual abuse include forcing a person to: Look at a naked body or naked genital area. Watch, look at, or be a part of … The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, choose the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, …
Health topics
… that can irritate your lungs. Get enough rest so that your body has the energy it needs to fight the virus. You'll feel … acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or aspirin to relieve fever and body aches. Do not give aspirin to anyone younger than 18. … You take over-the-counter medicines to relieve fever and body aches. You may reduce your cough with home treatment. …
Health topics
… person who has gone through menopause. After menopause, the body makes less estrogen. This hormone protects the body from bone loss. Men with low testosterone. Your family … normal, healthy adult, bone is constantly absorbed into the body and then rebuilt. During childhood and the teen years, …
Health topics
… When you go outdoors, keep your hands free by using a cross-body shoulder bag, a fanny pack, or a backpack. Make sure … When you go outdoors, keep your hands free by using a cross-body shoulder bag, a fanny pack, or a backpack. Make sure …
Health topics
… The doctor will take out the balloon and catheter from your body. The stent will stay in your artery. After time, the … The doctor will take out the balloon and catheter from your body. The stent will stay in your artery. After time, the …
Health topics
… in your blood. Glucose is a type of sugar produced in your body when carbohydrates and other foods are digested. It provides energy to cells throughout the body. Normally, blood sugar levels increase after you eat a … cells in the pancreas release insulin , which causes the body to absorb sugar from the blood and lowers the blood …
Health topics
… (the ventricles) aren't able to pump as much blood as your body needs. Sometimes the heart has a problem with the … (the ventricles) aren't able to pump as much blood as your body needs. Sometimes the heart has a problem with the …