1444 results found
Health topics
… Test Treatment Overview Treatment for thyroid cancer is based on the type and stage of the cancer and other things, … you enjoy as your energy allows. Take steps to manage your stress, such as learning relaxation techniques. To also help … Test Treatment Overview Treatment for thyroid cancer is based on the type and stage of the cancer and other things, …
Health topics
… who have had surgery to make their breasts smaller (breast reduction) may have trouble breastfeeding if the milk ducts … who have had surgery to make their breasts smaller (breast reduction) may have trouble breastfeeding if the milk ducts …
Health topics
Health topics
… benefits of regular exercise include: Mental well-being and stress relief. Increased flexibility, if stretching is done … benefits of regular exercise include: Mental well-being and stress relief. Increased flexibility, if stretching is done …
Health topics
… a song, or a television program could also cause a craving. Stress. Stress is a major trigger. Any situation where you feel stress makes a relapse more likely. Certain situations. …
Health topics
… ME/CFS. It seems to follow after a flu-like illness. High stress may also lead to ME/CFS for some people. And changes … urine tests, may be done to rule out other conditions. And based on your symptoms, the doctor may do additional tests … Acupuncture. Massage therapy. Mind-body techniques like mindfulness, meditation, and yoga. Some types of yoga may be …
Health topics
… goal may not be attainable. Realistic Your goal should be based on the realities of your circumstances and lifestyle, …
Health topics
Health topics
… and anxiety. Eat right. Be active. Relieve and avoid stress. Deal with pain, if you have health problems that … Medical Records Regular Checkup for a Lifelong Condition Stress Management Support Groups and Social Support Making … able may also ease your mind and make your final days less stressful and more meaningful. An advance care plan is a …
Health topics
… doesn't pump as much blood as your body needs. It can be stressful to learn that you have a problem with your lungs … first. Cope with your emotions Having this disease can be stressful. You may feel depressed that you can't do some of … joining a support group. Learn ways to relax and manage stress. You may want to try yoga or meditation. Talk to your …