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1444 results found
Health topics
… Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) Self-Care Reduce stress and tiredness Keep your daily schedule as simple as … regularly. A daily walk or swim, for example, can lower stress, clear your head, improve your mood, and help fight … Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) Self-Care Reduce stress and tiredness Keep your daily schedule as simple as …
Health topics
… and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care Medicines Counseling-Based Therapies What … of your life, you can have sexual problems. Things like stress, anxiety, and depression can be a cause. So can … that cause sexual problems. You may also get a counselling-based therapy. These include counselling for you and your …
Health topics
… alert for changes in your mental health. Watch for signs of stress, anxiety, and postpartum depression. Seek help if you … infant. They're also reassuring for you. Check into home-based services. If home-based health care and support are available, take advantage …
Health topics
… Eat a healthy diet, get plenty of rest, and try to reduce stress. Some people try alternative therapy to lessen their … hospitalization within 2 years 12 out of 100 20 out of 100 *Based on the best available evidence (evidence quality: … of breath (glatiramer) 24 out of 100 7 out of 100 *Based on the best available evidence (evidence quality: …
Health topics
… Feeling afraid is a common symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) . Having intense fear that comes on … disorder . Worrying about future panic attacks can cause stress and interfere with your life. You may try to avoid … and your reaction to your memories cause you to feel stress. You may do "exposure" exercises in which you focus …
Health topics
… there are infected prostate stones. Prostatitis can cause stress, anxiety, or depression, especially if it lasts for a … chili, pickles, and salsa. Acidic foods include tomato-based products and citrus fruits or juices. Try stress … chili, pickles, and salsa. Acidic foods include tomato-based products and citrus fruits or juices. Try stress
Health topics
… older. Your doctor can help you know your risk of bleeding based on your age and your health. Some people have other … can help you understand whether aspirin might help you based on your age. How can you know your risk for a heart … 3 Risks Chance of serious bleeding in the next 10 years based on risk level * Number of people who have serious …