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Health topics
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… earlier than boys' teeth do. Your child's first permanent molars emerge from the gum behind the primary teeth at about … teeth have replaced the primary teeth, the child's last molars will come in (four second molars and four wisdom teeth ). This takes place sometime …
Health topics
… also lose some of their baby look. In the second year, the molars usually start to come in. These large and flat teeth … also lose some of their baby look. In the second year, the molars usually start to come in. These large and flat teeth …
Health topics
… sealant is put on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth (molars). These teeth are more likely to develop tooth decay … sealant is put on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth (molars). These teeth are more likely to develop tooth decay …
Health topics
… device. This appliance is attached to the upper and lower molars. It corrects overbite caused by a small lower jaw. … device. This appliance is attached to the upper and lower molars. It corrects overbite caused by a small lower jaw. …
Health topics
… lb) since their last birthday. Are developing their first molars . Are starting to lose baby teeth. Go to the … lb) since their last birthday. Are developing their first molars . Are starting to lose baby teeth. Go to the …
Health topics
… lateral incisors) The two lower lateral incisors The first molars The four canines (located on either side next to the upper and lower lateral incisors) The remaining molars on either side of the existing line of teeth … lateral incisors) The two lower lateral incisors The first molars The four canines (located on either side next to the …
Health topics
… with your dentist about having dental sealant placed on the molars. Sealants are made of hard plastic and protect the … with your dentist about having dental sealant placed on the molars. Sealants are made of hard plastic and protect the …