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127 results found
Health topics
… Cystic Fibrosis: Helping Your Child Cough Up Mucus Actionset Overview Cystic fibrosis causes mucus to become thick and sticky, which can clog the lungs … child maintain lung function and avoid complications from mucus buildup and blockage by performing an airway clearance …
Health topics
… the doctor can obtain samples of tissue, fluid, or mucus . Transtracheal mucus cultures (rarely done). These tests are performed on a mucus sample obtained directly from your windpipe (trachea). …
Health topics
… Coughing is the body's way of removing foreign material or mucus from the lungs and upper airway passages or of … Productive coughs A productive cough produces phlegm or mucus (sputum). The mucus may have drained down the back of the throat from the …
Health topics
… No Cough for 24 hours or less Is your child coughing up mucus, phlegm (say "flem"), or blood from the lungs? This is called a productive cough . Mucus or blood draining down the throat from the nose … this been going on for more than 2 days? Yes Coughing up mucus for more than 2 days No Coughing up mucus for more …
Health topics
… it. The damaged airways have a hard time getting rid of mucus (sputum), so the mucus builds up. This causes the airways to stretch and can … But common symptoms include: A cough that brings up mucus. Shortness of breath. Chest pain that is sudden and …
Health topics
… Your Lungs Actionset Overview When you have too much mucus in your lungs, learning to clear your lungs may help … coughing Coughing is how your body tries to get rid of mucus. But the kind of coughing you cannot control makes … worse. It causes your airways to close. It also traps the mucus in your lungs. Controlled coughing loosens mucus and …
Health topics
… fibrosis (CF) is a common genetic disease that causes mucus in the body to become thick and sticky. The mucus builds up and causes problems in many of the body's … condition. Cystic Fibrosis: Helping Your Child Cough Up Mucus Cause CF is caused by a changed (mutated) gene that a …
Health topics
… is your body's way of removing foreign substances and mucus from your lungs and upper airway passages. Productive … have a cough. Prevent dehydration . Fluids may help thin mucus and soothe an irritated throat. Honey or lemon juice … an expectorant for a productive cough. Expectorants thin mucus. They make it easier to cough up mucus when you have a …
Health topics
… your cervix has been closed and protected by a plug of mucus. When the cervix effaces, the mucus plug comes loose and passes out of the vagina. The mucus may be tinged with blood. Passing the mucus plug is …
Health topics
… a small rubber bulb (called an aspirating bulb) to remove mucus from your baby's nose or mouth when a cold or … the baby's nose. Release the bulb to remove (suction) mucus from the nose. Don't do this more than 5 or 6 times a … a small rubber bulb (called an aspirating bulb) to remove mucus from your baby's nose or mouth when a cold or …