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974 results found
Health topics
… bah-RAY") is a problem with your nervous system . It causes muscle weakness, loss of reflexes, and numbness or tingling … hands and feet and sometimes around the mouth and lips. Muscle weakness in your legs and arms and the sides of your … or tingling in the fingers and toes. Over several days, muscle weakness in the legs and arms develops. After about 4 …
Health topics
… Overview Increasing your core stability means making the muscles of your trunk stronger to keep your spine and body … Breathe with your diaphragm . The diaphragm is the large muscle that helps move air in and out of your lungs. Find … The therapist can make sure you're using the right muscles and breathing properly during the exercises. They …
Health topics
… Tracking Disorder: Exercises Actionset Overview The thigh muscles (quadriceps) help keep the kneecap (patella) stable … Exercises to increase flexibility and to strengthen the muscles around the hip can also help. Patience and … during some exercises to help you learn to contract certain muscles, especially the inner muscle of your quadriceps. …
Health topics
… palsy? Bell's palsy is a paralysis or weakness of the muscles on one side of your face. Damage to the facial nerve that controls muscles on one side of the face causes that side of your … In most cases of Bell's palsy, the nerve that controls muscles on one side of the face is damaged by inflammation. …
Health topics
… you to: maintain a healthy body weight, builds stronger muscles control blood pressure and cholesterol levels and … swimming Weight bearing or Strength activities strengthen muscles and bones and improve your posture. Try: … involve bending and stretching and help to keep your muscles and joints mobile. Try: yoga, tai chi, dancing and …
Health topics
… A shoulder and neck massage can help you relax, reduce muscle tension, and reduce stress. You will need a friend to … Place your hands on your friend's shoulders. Knead the two muscles on either side of the neck next to the shoulders. … firmly with one of your hands. This lets your friend's neck muscles relax. With the thumb and first finger of your other …
Health topics
… damage at the elbow where some of the forearm and hand muscles connect to the upper arm bone. What causes it? Most … prevent tennis elbow is to stretch and strengthen your arm muscles so that they are flexible and strong enough for your … hands during activities, if possible. Strengthening the muscles of your arm, shoulder, and upper back. This can help …
Health topics
… very low-calorie diets decrease your BMR, because you lose muscle as well as fat. Muscle increases your resting metabolic rate, so losing too much muscle reduces metabolism. Fever and severe physical stress, …
Health topics
… of tension headaches isn't clear. Tension or spasms of the muscles of the neck, face, jaw, head, or scalp may play a … brought on—or triggered—by stress, depression, hunger, and muscle strain. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of tension … In the past, doctors believed that tension or spasms of the muscles of the neck, face, jaw, head, or scalp played a role …
Health topics
… Information Overview Heart failure means that your heart muscle doesn't pump as much blood as your body needs. … Also, a very fast heart rate can weaken the heart muscle over time. Increase stroke volume. To increase its … Your heart can pump harder by forming stronger, thicker muscle. This thickening of your heart muscle is called …