1811 results found
Health topics
… exercise: As completely as you can, make a food list card . Write down foods that you like and dislike, and foods … list in smaller amounts and less frequently to prevent high blood sugar. Recognize your feelings From the list below, … list in smaller amounts and less frequently to prevent high blood sugar. Recognize your feelings From the list below, …
Health topics
… basis. Have regular medical tests. These may include blood tests, such as chemistry screens and complete blood counts (CBCs). They may also include imaging tests, … basis. Have regular medical tests. These may include blood tests, such as chemistry screens and complete blood …
Health topics
… A leg aneurysm (say "ANN-yuh-riz-um") is a bulge in a blood vessel (artery) in your leg. The bulge occurs in a weak spot in the artery. It can happen in one or both legs. Blood clots can form in this type of aneurysm and can block …
Health topics
… can raise your risk of having a large baby. If your newborn is 4.5 kg (10 lb) or larger, you may be more likely … poor supply of oxygen for your baby during labour. Also, a newborn who is 4.5 kg (10 lb) or larger may become … have greater risks for: Pregnancy problems, such as high blood pressure , gestational diabetes , or pre-eclampsia . …
Health topics
… it work? Most women have a significant decrease in uterine blood loss with the LNg IUD. Some studies report up to a 95% reduction in blood loss. footnote 1 Increased spotting during the first couple of months is common, …
Health topics
… hypertension is high pressure in the veins that filter blood from the intestines through the liver (portal system … veins in the esophagus, stomach, and rectum enlarge to help blood flow through the liver. As the pressure in the portal … an endoscopy examination of the esophagus. Endoscopic screening for varices is recommended for anyone who has been …
Health topics
… that most often occur include: Irregular bleeding or spotting for as long as the first few weeks. Cramping for up … You have chest pain, are short of breath, or cough up blood. Call your doctor now if you have any of these … You have chest pain, are short of breath, or cough up blood. Call your doctor now if you have any of these …
Health topics
… stroke? A stroke is damage to the brain that occurs when a blood vessel in the brain bursts or is blocked by a blood … steps to lower it. Learn more Heart Attack and Stroke Risk Screening Prevention Here are some things you can do to help … check the stroke symptoms. Other tests may include: Electrocardiogram (ECG, EKG) to check for heart problems. Blood …
Health topics
… the side where it hasn't descended. How is it diagnosed? At newborn and routine checkups, your doctor will check your … and can't be felt in the groin, the doctor will do a blood hormone test to find out if the testicles are absent. … Usually doctors recommend a wait-and-see approach for newborns. If the testicle hasn't dropped on its own within 6 …
Health topics
… measles, or chickenpox, talk to your doctor about a blood test for antibodies to that virus. If you aren't … and whooping cough (pertussis) are dangerous diseases for newborns and young infants. The flu and COVID-19 can also be … your fetus. And these vaccines protect both you and your newborn. The National Advisory Committee on Immunization …