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622 results found
Health topics
… is over. Common side effects include: Fatigue. Some people notice that they feel a little more tired than usual. Other … Chemotherapy can damage your nervous system. You may notice tingling or a lack of feeling in your hands or feet, … is over. Common side effects include: Fatigue. Some people notice that they feel a little more tired than usual. Other …
Health topics
… left hand on your belly and your right hand on your chest. Notice how your hands move as you breathe in and out. … Both your hands will fall. Do this for 3 to 5 minutes. Notice how your belly and chest move like waves, rising and falling in a steady motion. Notice how you feel after you breathe this way. Caution: …
Health topics
… say, "I've done a lot of good work this year, and my boss noticed it. She thought there was one area I can improve. So … several ways to help you change how you think: You learn to notice irrational thoughts about yourself. You learn to stop … say, "I've done a lot of good work this year, and my boss noticed it. She thought there was one area I can improve. So …
Health topics
… of a larger treatment plan for cystic fibrosis. You may not notice an improvement in your child's lung function right … practice, the treatment becomes easier, especially when you notice the benefits to your child. It is important to do … Watch the child for signs of pain and discomfort. If you notice this, you may be using too much force. Is your child …
Health topics
… or feel discouraged. Pay attention to how you feel. Can you notice any difference when you are eating better? Or do you notice any difference when you sometimes eat poorly? Notice whether your food preferences change. As we change …
Health topics
… to. Early signs of pregnancy often happen suddenly. You may notice them every day. The most common early signs include: … to. Early signs of pregnancy often happen suddenly. You may notice them every day. The most common early signs include: …
Health topics
… price, Nate paid a physical price too. He began to notice changes in his health. He coughed a lot, especially … hope that he might be able to kick the habit for good. He noticed that after a meal or driving somewhere, he didn't … price, Nate paid a physical price too. He began to notice changes in his health. He coughed a lot, especially …
Health topics
… up with a headache. If you have a bed partner, they may notice that during sleep you stop breathing, often snore … Symptoms There are symptoms of sleep apnea that you may notice and symptoms that others may notice when you're asleep. Symptoms you may notice include: …
Health topics
… as on your refrigerator door. Add any symptoms you have noticed that may not be on the list. Check your blood sugar … home will help you know when it is high, even if you don't notice symptoms. Keep a record of high blood sugar levels. … as on your refrigerator door. Add any symptoms you have noticed that may not be on the list. Check your blood sugar …
Health topics
… relief is small for most people. It may be too small to notice. The shots may not improve your ability to do routine … relief is small for most people. It may be too small to notice. footnote 1 This pain relief doesn't last very long. … relief is small for most people. It may be too small to notice. No You're right. The pain relief is small for most …