817 results found
Health topics
… Emotional and Mental Wellness Sexual Wellness Getting the Nutrition You Need Getting the Medical Care You Need Related … healthy aging? Healthy aging means staying well as you get older. How you will feel as you age depends on the type of … Heart Sexuality and Physical Changes With Aging Getting the Nutrition You Need Good nutrition is important at any age. …
Health topics
… comfortable and fun. As your newborn becomes a toddler and older, reading opens him or her to new ideas. It helps your … more familiar with the sounds and rhythms of the language. Older children and teens Reading is an important activity … learn to think and express themselves in new ways. Your older child or teen may discover a new or stronger interest, …
Health topics
… children can have the same symptoms of a concussion as older children and adults. But sometimes it can be hard to … walking. Not being able to pay attention. Symptoms in older adults Concussions in adults, 65 years of age and older, can also be dangerous. This is because concussions in …
Health topics
… 2 After the baby is born, the aortic valve may be replaced. Older adults Valvuloplasty is not appropriate for most older people who have stenosis. These people typically need … teens, and young adults. But it doesn't work as well for older adults. In most older adults, the valve becomes …
Health topics
… of intimidation, stress, fear, or other problems. Having older siblings. Younger children may begin to talk slightly later than their older brothers or sisters did. However, having one or more older siblings does not cause significant speech and …
Health topics
… But it's most dangerous for babies, small children, and older adults. Dehydration in babies and small children … to provide them with food and fluids. Dehydration in older adults Older adults have a greater chance of becoming dehydrated …
Health topics
… the night. Bedwetting is defined as a child age 5 or older wetting the bed at least 1 or 2 times a week over at … time. Wetting the bed can be upsetting, especially for an older child. Your child may feel bad and be embarrassed. You … They probably will wet the bed less often as they get older and their sleep pattern changes. Emotional or social …
Health topics
… medicines. Infants usually need a different dose than older children do. And some liquid forms are stronger (more … to 12-hour period or 660 mg in a 24-hour period. Adults older than 65: Do not take more than 220 mg every 12 hours … about whether NSAIDs are right for you. People who are older than 65 or who have existing heart, stomach, kidney, …
Health topics
… normal range is 36.5 C–37.5 C (97.8 F–99.5 F). 12 years and older Vital signs for children ages 12 years and older include the following: Heart rate This is measured in … sex, and height. footnote 3 For children who are 13 and older, normal blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg or lower. …
Health topics
… They always require medical care. Adults—especially older adults —are at risk for accidental and intentional … are you? Less than 12 years Less than 12 years 12 years or older 12 years or older Are you male or female? Male Male Female Female Why do …