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817 results found
Health topics
… that stretch and strengthen the muscles and joints can help older adults keep their balance, which can help prevent … that stretch and strengthen the muscles and joints can help older adults keep their balance, which can help prevent …
Health topics
… dry mouth, low blood pressure, and dizziness, especially in older people or people who haven't used it before. Some … that press a plastic disc on the P6 point on each arm. Nutrition Eating well may seem to be an odd way to treat … but it's very important. As a cancer patient, you need nutritious foods to help you feel better, keep up your …
Health topics
… your child reads about in social media. As your child gets older, you can't choose or control the many types of role … your child reads about in social media. As your child gets older, you can't choose or control the many types of role …
Health topics
… healthy people have a lower risk of problems, while older people with other health problems have a higher risk. … healthy people have a lower risk of problems, while older people with other health problems have a higher risk. …
Health topics
… can also buy protein bars, drinks, and powders. Check the nutrition label for the amount of protein in each serving. … foods in each meal. A vegan diet can give you most of the nutrients you need. As long as you eat a variety of foods, … they tend to catch up to other children in size as they get older. Teens Teens need plenty of calcium and vitamin D. And …
Health topics
… clearance techniques (ACT), medicines, a fitness plan, and nutritional therapies. Regular visits with the team involved … fibrosis care centres. These centres address medical, nutritional, and emotional needs. Contact Cystic Fibrosis … by doing airway clearance techniques. As your child gets older, they'll be able to do this on their own. Airway …
Health topics
… if the baby doesn't get enough blood, oxygen, or other nutrients before or during birth. Other causes include … tips for healthy habits before and during pregnancy. Eat nutritious foods. Don't smoke. Avoid contact with harmful … may be either very floppy or very stiff. As your child gets older, new symptoms may appear, or symptoms may change or …
Health topics
… you know what milestones to watch for as your child gets older. Or you can look for sources of information and … for their age may have problems when people think they are older and expect them to act that way. Some children may … you know what milestones to watch for as your child gets older. Or you can look for sources of information and …
Health topics
… uterine cancer. Endometrial cancer usually occurs in women older than 50. The good news is that it is usually cured … age 52. Other things that increase your risk include: Being older than 50. Inheriting some kinds of genes, such as those … uterine cancer. Endometrial cancer usually occurs in women older than 50. The good news is that it is usually cured …
Health topics
… sun. Keep babies younger than 12 months out of the sun. Older babies and children need to stay in the shade or cover … 12 to 24 Months Heimlich Manoeuvre for Adults and Children Older Than 1 Year Support Groups and Social Support Related … sun. Keep babies younger than 12 months out of the sun. Older babies and children need to stay in the shade or cover …