817 results found
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… a baby with a genetic condition increases as a woman gets older. If you choose to have a test for birth defects, you … a baby with a genetic condition increases as a woman gets older. If you choose to have a test for birth defects, you … a baby with a genetic condition increases as a woman gets older. If you choose to have a test for birth defects, you …
Health topics
… stenting is linked with a higher risk of stroke in people older than 70. footnote 5 Other risks of carotid … stenting is linked with a higher risk of stroke in people older than 70. 5 Other risks of carotid endarterectomy … stenting is linked with a higher risk of stroke in people older than 70. footnote 5 Other risks of carotid …
Health topics
… can be life-threatening. They are more likely to occur in older people or people who have health conditions that raise … can be life-threatening. They are more likely to occur in older people or people who have health conditions that raise … can be life-threatening. They are more likely to occur in older people or people who have health conditions that raise …
Health topics
… long enough for me to read an entire book to him. As he got older, he did poorly on standardized tests at school. A … long enough for me to read an entire book to him. As he got older, he did poorly on standardized tests at school. A … long enough for me to read an entire book to him. As he got older, he did poorly on standardized tests at school. A …
Health topics
… or you can make your own at home. People around age 8 and older may also find it helpful to gargle often with warm … or you can make your own at home. People around age 8 and older may also find it helpful to gargle often with warm … or you can make your own at home. People around age 8 and older may also find it helpful to gargle often with warm …
Health topics
… surgery has risks. These risks may be more serious for an older adult. About 10 out of 100 people have problems during … surgery has risks. These risks may be more serious for an older adult. About 10 out of 100 people have problems during … surgery has risks. These risks may be more serious for an older adult. About 10 out of 100 people have problems during …
Health topics
… liver. It can take a while to develop that, and since I'm older, it could be years away. I think I'll just keep an eye … liver. It can take a while to develop that, and since I'm older, it could be years away. I think I'll just keep an eye … liver. It can take a while to develop that, and since I'm older, it could be years away. I think I'll just keep an eye …
Health topics
… 4 years footnote 1 2 hours or less for children 5 years and older footnote 2 Make sure that your child does not skip … 4 years footnote 1 2 hours or less for children 5 years and older footnote 2 Make sure that your child does not skip …
Health topics
… is often recommended if you have Graves' disease and are older than 50, or if you have thyroid nodules (toxic … is often recommended if you have Graves' disease and are older than 50, or if you have thyroid nodules (toxic …
Health topics
… problem. Risk factors for atrial fibrillation include: Age older than 60. Being male. Obesity. Sleep apnea . A family … problem. Risk factors for atrial fibrillation include: Age older than 60. Being male. Obesity. Sleep apnea . A family …