995 results found
Health topics
… you need based on blood sugar readings. What are the benefits of using an insulin pump? With a pump, you can plan … an insulin pump What is usually involved? What are the benefits? What are the risks and side effects? Using an … available to you? Yes No 2. 2, Are you clear about which benefits and side effects matter most to you? Yes No 3. 3, …
Health topics
… their blood lead levels are very high. There are screening programs to check lead levels in children who are likely to … includes removing the source of lead, getting good nutrition, and, in some cases, having chelation therapy. … on their clothing into their homes or other places. Good nutrition. Eating foods that have enough iron and other …
Health topics
… if you are undernourished or cannot completely meet your nutritional needs through food. If you take a diuretic … But calorie requirements will vary, based on your current nutritional status. If you are underweight or malnourished, … the obstacles to sufficient intake can often lead to malnutrition in people who have heart failure. The following is …
Health topics
… goals for healthy eating habits and exercise. List the benefits Continually remind yourself that everything you are … future. It may even be helpful to make a list of the health benefits of caring for your diabetes. Some items you could … goals for healthy eating habits and exercise. List the benefits Continually remind yourself that everything you are …
Health topics
… (perhaps weekly), for as long as you need Dietitian Nutritional expert He or she can help you with heart-healthy … artery disease, Y ou may seek the aid of a dietitian or nutritionist to help you develop a heart-healthy diet. If … salt and sugar intake as well. Dietitians are trained in nutrition. They are experienced in helping individuals make …
Health topics
… of Emotional Eating Child Who Is Overweight: Evaluating Nutrition and Activity Patterns Child Who Is Overweight: … of Emotional Eating Child Who Is Overweight: Evaluating Nutrition and Activity Patterns Child Who Is Overweight: …
Health topics
… and your cardiologist. Also, be aware of any local rehab programs or support groups. Remember, everyone's experience … recovery and outpatient rehab Registered dietitian/ nutritionist Expert in diet and nutrition They help you plan and stay with an appropriate …
Health topics
… Primary Care First Nations led primary care centres and programs provide access to culturally safe and … knowing and being are the foundation of these centres and programs. Elders, Sacred Knowledge Keepers, Traditional … services. First Nations led primary care centres and programs offer many everyday primary care services to meet …
Health topics
… type of heart problem that you have, and the way the doctor programs the ICD for you. How is an ICD placed? Your doctor … worry can reduce a person's quality of life. What are the benefits of an ICD? An ICD can help lower the risk of sudden … ICD Don't get an ICD What is usually involved? What are the benefits? What are the risks and side effects? Get an ICD …
Health topics
… posture and balance. It can help protect you from injury. Benefits of strength training Strength training has many benefits, including: Stronger muscles, which help protect … posture and balance. It can help protect you from injury. Benefits of strength training Strength training has many …