1985 results found
Health topics
… contraception? Emergency contraception is a way to prevent pregnancy if: You had sex without using birth control . … pills contain hormones. The last 7 pills (the ones you take during your period) don't contain any hormones. If you use … pain, or dizziness. An IUD may cause cramping and bleeding during the first few days after it's inserted. Call your …
Health topics
… pass stools. It's important to protect a child from injury during a seizure. Fever seizures usually last 1 to 3 … No First seizure Have the child's other seizures occurred during the same illness (within the past day or so)? Yes Seizures occurred during same illness No Seizures occurred during same illness …
Health topics
… Blood pressure inside the left atrium decreases. Risks During the procedure Risks during the procedure aren't common. But problems can include … Blood pressure inside the left atrium decreases. Risks During the procedure Risks during the procedure aren't …
Health topics
… discomfort and itching. Heat cramps . They occur in muscles during and after exercise because sweating caused the body … dehydration and fatigue. Your risk goes up if you exercise during hot weather, work outdoors, and don't wear … who live in cities are especially vulnerable to illness during a heat wave. Heat is trapped by tall buildings and …
Health topics
… Skin looks red and raw Is diaper rash causing a lot of pain during urination? Yes Diaper rash is causing painful … diaper or incontinence brief every time it's wet or soiled. During the daytime, check the diaper or brief every 3 hours. You may need to change the diaper or brief during the night to prevent or clear up a rash. It's not …
Health topics
… effect on fertility. And there may be a higher risk for pregnancy problems after embolization. Fibroids usually get … it hard for you to get pregnant, or it can cause problems during a pregnancy. Over time, the size, shape, location, … grow. Your body makes the highest levels of these hormones during the years you have periods. After menopause, when …
Health topics
… aspiration can be done in the first trimester to end a pregnancy. It may also be done to empty the uterus after: A … doesn't end a pregnancy. This is more likely to happen during the earliest weeks of pregnancy. Risks Vacuum … doesn't end a pregnancy. This is more likely to happen during the earliest weeks of pregnancy. Risks Vacuum …
Health topics
… there's a danger to your baby if you develop rubella during your pregnancy Rashes of any kind except the ones you may … vagina Constant negative feelings or anxiety about your pregnancy and care of the baby Depression or periods of …
Health topics
… you may be able to slowly reintroduce them. If you have nutritional deficiencies, you may need other treatments. … you may be able to slowly reintroduce them. If you have nutritional deficiencies, you may need other treatments. …
Health topics
… your weight. Alcohol provides a lot of calories but no nutrition. The number of calories in a drink depends on how … your weight. Alcohol provides a lot of calories but no nutrition. The number of calories in a drink depends on how …