1497 results found
Health topics
… . People who have anorexia have an intense fear of gaining weight. They severely limit the amount of food they eat and … a person with anorexia can feel better and stay at a healthy weight. What causes anorexia? Eating disorders are … more likely to have a family history of an eating disorder, obesity, or a mood disorder (such as anxiety or depression). …
Health topics
… Health Tools What to Expect Common Concerns Promoting Healthy Growth and Development When to Call a Doctor Routine … child's world gets bigger, you can help your child grow in healthy ways. Here are a few things you can do. Spend time … and activity habits for your child. Staying at a healthy weight and eating healthy foods helps children to feel their …
Health topics
… to lower the risk of bone fractures. Also use healthy habits to help protect your bones. Don't take a bisphosphonate. Try healthy habits alone to protect your bones. Is this … your bones. Get enough calcium and vitamin D. Get regular weight-bearing exercise. Avoid drinking too much alcohol. If …
Health topics
… Helping your loved one get enough to eat and not lose weight COPD, heart failure, and other long-term (chronic) … conditions can make it hard to eat enough and stay at a healthy weight. Losing weight means losing muscle mass. This … Here are some ways to help your loved one stay at a healthy weight. Help your loved one boost their appetite. …
Health topics
… up being active and involved in sports. But he never gave healthy eating too much thought until he found himself gaining weight several years after university. In November 2006, … Cutting out fast food The first step Jeremy took toward healthy eating was to stop going to fast-food restaurants. …
Health topics
… for your wounds. Taking your medicines. Monitoring your weight. Improving your heart and lung health. Attending … rehabilitation. Making changes in your lifestyle. Have a healthy lifestyle Ways you can keep your heart and body healthy include: Quit smoking. Eat a heart-healthy diet. Be …
Health topics
… Loralie makes sure that the cafeteria has plenty of healthy choices. But until recently, she didn't take advantage of the healthy choices for her own meals. Loralie's eating habits had caused her to gain weight, and her blood pressure was high. "I had given up, …
Health topics
… Trouble swallowing, or pain while swallowing. Fever or weight loss. If an aortic aneurysm bursts, or ruptures, it … Your doctor may suggest that you exercise more, eat a heart-healthy diet, and stop smoking. He or she may also prescribe … Early Heart Failure High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol Obesity Quitting Smoking Stroke Weight Management …
Health topics
… Some lifestyle changes can help sleep apnea. Try losing weight if needed, sleeping on your side, and avoiding … your risk for obstructive sleep apnea. These include: Obesity. People who have sleep apnea are more likely to be … relax your throat muscles and slow your breathing. Have a healthy lifestyle. Eat sensibly, exercise, and stay at a …
Health topics
… Vegetarian Diets On this page: Overview Eating a Healthy Diet Vegetarian Diets for Children and Teens Related … of mostly fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Eating a Healthy Diet A vegan or vegetarian diet can give you most of … or vegan diet. Some teens adopt this diet as a way to lose weight, and it can hide an eating disorder like anorexia. …