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373 results found
Health topics
… Diabetic autonomic neuropathy is damage to the autonomic nerves caused by diabetes. These nerves control things like your heartbeat, blood pressure, … problems Diabetic autonomic neuropathy may damage the nerves in the heart and circulatory system, causing a: …
Health topics
… up the spinal column . The spinal cord is a collection of nerves that runs through the spinal canal from the base of the brain to the lower back. These nerves allow us to feel, to move, and to control the bowel … the spinal canal narrows and can squeeze and compress the nerve roots where they leave the spinal cord , or it may …
Health topics
… Pudendal neuralgia is a rare problem with the pudendal nerve that can affect any adult. This nerve runs through your pelvic region. This includes your … condition is also known as pudendal neuropathy or pudendal nerve entrapment. Pudendal neuralgia can cause pain, …
Health topics
… This surgery is done to relieve pressure on the spinal nerve roots caused by age-related changes in the spine. It … discs , or tumours. In many cases, reducing pressure on the nerve roots can relieve pain and allow you to resume normal … that is narrowing the spinal canal and squeezing the spinal nerve roots. A surgeon cuts into your back to do the …
Health topics
… ligament is cut. This releases pressure on the median nerve and relieves carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms. The … transverse carpal ligament is cut. This releases the median nerve. Endoscopic surgery uses a thin tube with a camera … ligament is cut. This releases pressure on the median nerve. So the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome are …
Health topics
… have surgery. Sometimes surgery is done to prevent lasting nerve damage. You will likely have a nerve test to see if you are at risk for nerve damage. Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome during …
Health topics
… to remove herniated disc material that is pressing on a nerve root or on the spinal cord . There are many different … the disc hasn't ruptured into the spinal canal. Pain and nerve damage have not improved after 4 or more weeks of … way of doing normal activities. There are signs of serious nerve damage in your leg that may be getting worse. These …
Health topics
… ligament is cut. This releases pressure on the median nerve and relieves the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. … the transverse carpal ligament is cut, releasing the median nerve. The size and shape of the incision may vary. What To … assumes that you still have symptoms but there's no sign of nerve damage. Nerve damage would make surgery more urgent. …
Health topics
… Selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) is the most common nerve surgery for symptoms related to cerebral palsy (CP). … of the spinal cord. The surgeon then finds and cuts the nerves in the cord that are causing muscle tightness in the … orthopedic surgery and casts or braces may still be needed. Nerves that are cut during SDR do not grow back together. …
Health topics
… Ulnar tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on the ulnar nerve at the wrist. This nerve is found on the pinkie-finger side of the wrist. … swelling or thickening of the tissues close to the ulnar nerve. Swelling from a ganglion can also affect the ulnar …