1635 results found
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… as a brain tumour or problems from diabetes. Environmental factors, such as dehydration, cold temperature exposure … as a brain tumour or problems from diabetes. Environmental factors, such as dehydration, cold temperature exposure …
Health topics
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Health topics
… with one partner who has sex only with you can reduce your risk of getting an STI. Talk with your partner or partners … about STIs before you have sex. Find out if they are at risk for an STI. Remember that it's possible to have an STI … urinate. The doctor may ask you questions about your risk factors. These are things that make you more likely to get …
Health topics
… prescription drugs and natural health products carry the risk of side effects. Always talk to your doctor before you … Besides physical changes, cultural and psychological factors can affect sexuality in later years. For example, in … on your penis or inside your vagina. This can reduce your risk of getting STIs or HIV . Practice safer sex. For older …
Health topics
… kind of pneumonia may be harder to treat. What puts you at risk? You can get hospital-acquired pneumonia when you are … kind of pneumonia may be harder to treat. What puts you at risk? You can get hospital-acquired pneumonia when you are …
Health topics
… your doctor before you take these supplements. What are the risks of knee replacement surgery? Most people have much … their activities. But as with any surgery, there are some risks, including: Lack of good range of motion. After … Accessed May 25, 2016. Namba RS et al. (2013). Risk factors associated with deep surgical site infections after …
Health topics
… from school for behaviour problems. What can increase the risk of aggression in youth? A child or teen's home life and other surroundings can raise the risk of aggression. Children may become aggressive if they: … from school for behaviour problems. What can increase the risk of aggression in youth? A child or teen's home life and …
Health topics
… and can block blood flow in your leg. What increases your risk? Family history. People who have a family member who … and can block blood flow in your leg. What increases your risk? Family history. People who have a family member who …