1635 results found
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… Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview A nephrectomy (say … from the body. Most people do fine with only one kidney. Risks The risks are the same as for any major surgery. They include: …
Health topics
… less able to control their impulses. They may be at greater risk for suicidal behaviours. Health Canada and the FDA have … Suicidal thoughts Suicidal thoughts and behaviour are a risk for an antidepressant. But experts recognize that for … of taking an antidepressant may be greater than the risks. Just make sure to follow the precautions. Left …
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… It Is Done What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview During open carpal tunnel … test results and loss of hand or finger function), or a risk of nerve damage. Tumours or other growths need to be … endoscopic and open carpal tunnel release have benefits and risks. Studies don't show that one procedure is better than …
Health topics
… surgery is needed. A hernia doesn't hurt. A hernia poses no risks except if rare problems occur, such as part of the … is only a small scar inside the navel. This surgery has few risks. Children who have surgery to repair a very large … is usually involved? What are the benefits? What are the risks and side effects? Have surgery Have surgery Your child …
Health topics
… look for stones in the duct and remove them. What are the risks of gallbladder surgery? The overall risk from laparoscopic gallbladder surgery is very low. The most serious risks include: Infection. Bleeding. Injury to the common …
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… hurt other bones or joints inside the knee. What are the risks of an ACL injury? The risks of an ACL injury depend on: How bad the injury was. … make your knee give way and become painful and swollen, you risk future joint problems and disability. If you wait too …
Health topics
… sometimes recommend daily aspirin for people at high risk of heart attack or stroke. But taking aspirin isn't … you start taking aspirin every day. Aspirin lowers the risk of heart attack and stroke. But aspirin can also cause … decide if aspirin is a good choice for you based on your risk of a heart attack and stroke and your risk of serious …
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… oxygen. But when asthma is well controlled, there are few risks to the pregnancy. Most asthma treatments are safe to … doctor about the safest treatment for you. What are the risks of uncontrolled asthma during pregnancy? If your asthma is not controlled, risks to your health include: High blood pressure during the …
Health topics
… or your personal medical history puts you at an increased risk for colorectal cancer. If you have an increased risk, your doctor may also recommend you start cancer screening earlier than someone who has an average risk of cancer. What the Results Mean A positive result …
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… STIs with you prior to, and during pregnancy. If you are at risk of acquiring an STI during pregnancy you may have … not in a steady relationship. You should also avoid high-risk activities, such as: Having multiple partners Injecting … how some STIs could affect your pregnancy, put your baby at risk, or increase the potential for preterm by reading more …