1635 results found
Health topics
… part or all of your meniscus. What are discomforts or risks of having an MRI or arthroscopy? You will not have any … MRI machine, which is less confining than a standard MRI. Risks of arthroscopy include: Bleeding within the joint. … Blood clotting in your leg. Nerve or joint damage. A rare risk of compartment syndrome if pressure builds within the …
Health topics
… Surgery to repair a tear may help you reduce the risk of other joint problems, such as osteoarthritis . … surgical tools through small incisions. Surgery has risks, including infection, a blood clot in the leg, damage to nerves or blood vessels, and the risks of anesthesia. After surgery you may still have pain …
Health topics
… Why are antiplatelets used? Antiplatelets help lower the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Antiplatelets may be used by people who: Are at high risk for a heart attack or stroke. Have coronary artery … include the following: Antiplatelets increase the risk of bleeding and bruising. This could be an emergency. …
Health topics
… medicines to lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and the risk of blood clots. You can also follow a heart-healthy … arteries of your heart . This narrowing can increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. Treatment for renal artery … reduce damage to the kidneys and also helps reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke. What is my self-care going …
Health topics
… Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview Plantar fascia release … people who have surgery continue to have pain. footnote 2 Risks Risks of plantar fascia release include: Nerve problems, …
Health topics
… for 5 to 10 minutes. Warming up your muscles reduces the risk of injury. Make stretching part of your warm-up before … It may also reduce soreness after exercising and reduce the risk of injury. Practice landing skills. This is especially … enough exposes them to more pressure and increases the risk for an ACL injury. When landing after jumping: Land …
Health topics
… and peace of mind by following your plan to lower your risk of having another stroke. Take your medicines You'll … If you stop taking your medicines, you can increase your risk of having another stroke. Some of the medicines your … certain other health problems. Problems that increase your risk of having another stroke include: Atrial fibrillation. …
Health topics
… colour, eye colour, and other characteristics, including risks of developing certain diseases. Certain changes in … can be a sign of a disease or a sign of an increased risk for getting a disease. Testing may be done to: Find out … , such as cystic fibrosis . Find out if your fetus is at risk for a genetic condition such as Down syndrome . Find …
Health topics
… Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Treatment Overview Needle … Is less invasive. Has a shorter recovery time. Has fewer risks. But the chance that a contracture will come back is … can have the procedure again if the contracture comes back. Risks The risk of problems after this procedure is very low. …
Health topics
… It Is Done What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview Scleral buckling surgery … vision after surgery is still possible but less likely. Risks Scleral buckling poses some short-term and long-term risks. Most of these complications do not happen very often. …