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Health topics
… On this page: Treatment Overview Why It Is Used Risks Treatment Overview Tea tree oil ( … tree oil is helpful with these or other health problems. Risks Tea tree oil applied to the skin is thought to be safe … tree oil is helpful with these or other health problems. Risks Tea tree oil applied to the skin is thought to be safe …
Health topics
… ganglions may be painful and may break open, increasing the risk of infection. The fingernail may grow irregularly or be … is near the growth cells for the fingernail. Because of the risk of infection, a mucous cyst ganglion should not be … ganglions may be painful and may break open, increasing the risk of infection. The fingernail may grow irregularly or be …
Health topics
… side effects from immunizations are rare. In fact, the risks of disease are much higher than the risk of a serious reaction from the immunization. Sometimes …
Health topics
… Learn how cannabis makes you feel and about related health risks and safety considerations. You can also find more … or have certain conditions. To learn more about reducing risk if you use cannabis, please visit Lower Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines, Canadian Research Initiative …
Health topics
… you to heal after you have had them removed. What are the risks of having your wisdom teeth removed? After you have … tooth is removed from the upper jaw. There is a small risk of death or other problems whenever a general … if they're not impacted has to be weighed against the risks and benefits of having them removed. What are the …
Health topics
… bad your symptoms are. Talk to your doctor, and compare the risks of taking the medicine with the risks of living with your symptoms. If you were taking … Many pregnant women struggle with depression. What are the risks of taking antidepressants while you are pregnant? More …
Health topics
… more information about how vaccine safety is checked. The risk of problems from a disease is much greater than the risk from the vaccine. Whooping cough, for example, still … side effects are very rare. It's much more dangerous to risk getting the diseases than to risk having a serious …
Health topics
… statins used? Statins are used to lower cholesterol and the risk for a heart attack and stroke. How do they work? … cholesterol buildup (called a plaque). This may lower the risk that the plaque will break apart and cause a blood clot … common issue is diabetes. Statins may slightly raise the risk of diabetes in some people. There are other side …
Health topics
… arteries. Aspirin to help pain and fever and to lower the risk of blood clots. Aspirin therapy is often continued at … and reduce problems with the heart arteries. Because of the risk of Reye syndrome , do not give aspirin to your child … and form an aneurysm . Or the arteries may narrow or be at risk for blood clots. A child who has damaged coronary …
Health topics
… Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview Hemorrhoidectomy is … have hemorrhoids that come back after surgery. footnote 1 Risks Pain, bleeding, and not being able to urinate (urinary … side effects of hemorrhoidectomy. Other relatively rare risks include the following problems. Early problems …