3849 results found
Health topics
… They'll include when to stop eating or drinking. If you take medicine, you'll be told what you can and can't take before sedation. You'll need to bring someone who can take you home. What are the risks? Serious problems are …
Health topics
… level problem. Fill out a record each time this happens. Take the completed form(s) with you when you visit your … tablets or solution or other quick-sugar food that was taken: Was glucagon given (only for children who take insulin)? ___ Yes ___ No Was emergency care needed? ___ …
Health topics
… eating links Get the facts: Healthy Eating for Children Take action: Healthy Eating: Helping Your Child Learn … and Teens Helping Children With Disabilities Stay Active Take action: Fitness: Teaching Your Child to Stay Active … Birth to 2 Years Health and Safety, Ages 2 to 5 Years Take action: Quick Tips: Helping Your Child Stay Safe and …
Health topics
… doctor can use your risk score to decide if you want to take steps to lower your risk. How can you find out your … risk can help you and your doctor talk about whether to take steps to lower your risk. A heart-healthy lifestyle is important for everyone. Some people also take medicine to lower their risk. You and your doctor can …
Health topics
… as a dietary supplement. Why It Is Used Some people take SAM-e supplements to improve symptoms of depression, osteoarthritis, or liver disease. SAM-e is also taken as a quit-smoking aid and for health problems like … can also interact with prescription and non-prescription medicines or other natural health products you might be …
Health topics
… COVID-19 to others. To learn more about self-isolation, who should self-isolate and ending self-isolation, visit BC … waking up, feeling confused or losing consciousness, you should seek emergency medical care by calling 9-1-1 or going …
Health topics
… relief of itching, redness, and swelling. An antihistamine taken by mouth, such as a non-drowsy one like loratadine … your doctor tells you to. When using non-prescription medicines, be sure to follow all labels and instructions. … follow all label directions on the medicine bottle and box. Take, but do not exceed, the maximum recommended doses. …
Health topics
… it with your fingers. Push doors open with your hip or shoulder instead of your hand or arm. Break bigger tasks … long period of time. And try not to kneel or squat. Sit or take regular breaks when doing tasks that take a long time. … it with your fingers. Push doors open with your hip or shoulder instead of your hand or arm. Break bigger tasks …
Health topics
… the day and night, usually for 24 or 48 hours. The device takes your blood pressure automatically while you do your … and while you sleep. The device periodically inflates and takes blood pressure measurements, which are recorded for … size the cuff, which fits around your arm. Fitting does not take long. Home Blood Pressure Test …
Health topics
… adults, and people who have weak immune systems. If you take a probiotic supplement, be sure to tell your doctor about everything you take, including the specific bacteria in your supplement. … Complementary Medicine Natural Health Products (Herbal Medicines and Natural Products) Current as of: March …