3849 results found
Health topics
… they have control of their bodies and encouraging them to take steps that bring about more and more dry nights. For … During the sessions, the counsellor encourages the child to take responsibility for the bedwetting and to be very … This treatment works best for children who want to take part in it. It may be used in combination with other …
Health topics
… in tablet, capsule, powder, or liquid form. They are often taken together or taken with other natural health products. Glucosamine may be taken separately as a supplement for joints. Glucosamine …
Health topics
… on to your baby. But if you aren't immune, you'll want to take special care while you're pregnant. Avoid anything that … you'll need to have your baby tested. Your doctor can take some fluid from the sac that surrounds your baby and … people whose bodies can't fight infection well will need to take medicine to treat the infection and prevent serious …
Health topics
… symptoms of diverticulitis starts with antibiotics, pain medicines, and diet changes. You can try home treatment, … low-fibre diet can cause small, hard stools. This means it takes more pressure in the colon to move stools out of the … If the doctor gave you a prescription medicine for pain, take it as prescribed. If you are not taking a prescription …
Health topics
… could, even if that meant he walked with a limp. He would take an over-the-counter pain medicine every day and keep busy to take his mind off the pain. When Steve couldn't deal with … the surgery so early in his life. Instead, he started to take a prescription anti-inflammatory medicine to help …
Health topics
… is likely to raise his or her anxiety level. Let your child take the initiative in approaching others. Eventually, most … and become comfortable in the group. But realize it may take longer for some children. And don't consider it a … is likely to raise his or her anxiety level. Let your child take the initiative in approaching others. Eventually, most …
Health topics
… no problems. But talk to your doctor or midwife before you take any long car trips. Always wear your seat belt. Strap … your belly. Remove any slack in the seat belt. Run the shoulder belt between your breasts and around (not over) … your belly. Remove any slack in the seat belt. Run the shoulder belt between your breasts and around (not over) …
Health topics
… breast lump in an adult male is thought to be abnormal and should be checked out by a doctor. How is it diagnosed? Most … or progesterone . This helps your doctor know which medicines will work best for you. How is male breast cancer … breast lump in an adult male is thought to be abnormal and should be checked out by a doctor. How is it diagnosed? Most …
Health topics
… level problem. Fill out a record each time this happens. Take the completed form(s) to the doctor. If you or your … medicine missed? ___Yes ____No Did you (or your child) take it when the medicine was remembered? ___Yes ____No Was a dose of fast-acting insulin taken? ___Yes ____No If an insulin dose was taken, how much …
Health topics
… fungus can grow. This can lead to infection. After washing, take care of your feet. Apply lanolin or other moisturizing … fungus can grow. This can lead to infection. After washing, take care of your feet. Apply lanolin or other moisturizing …